Sharks swim in the ocean
What is Baby Shark?
Each child should have 2 of each in their basket
What are extra clothes?
personal communication devise that staff should not have on their person during work time
What is a cell phone?
What is a friend?
You should rotate these every 2-4 weeks depending on interested the children are with them
What is a toy?
There are too many in the bed
What is There was 10 in the Bed and the little one said?
This is sent home on Friday's or child's last day of attendance to get washed
What is a resting bag with resting items?
This goes in child's cubby
W-4, CCAC registry training, First Aid, CPR, doctor health form, I-9 documents
Where are your pre-employment documents?
Using a glove, tissue, and hand sanitizer
What is one way to wipe a child's nose especially during circle time?
Engage with children while they are dressed appropriately.
Put all toys and balls away before going inside
Position yourself to see all children
What do I do outside?
Many of these are in the sky at night
What is Twinkle twinkle little star?
Teachers should do this daily about an art, math, science activity that the child did to every parent at pick up
What is communication about a child's day?
Outlet covers
What is You didn't put the outlet cover in?
Each classroom has these to make a classroom that is licensed for so many children
What is a wall?
line children at door
Head count
Take clipboard
Take phone
Exit to playground
What is a fire drill?
Clap your hands
Touch your toes
Shout hurray
What is If you are happy and you know it?
Children must have a valid and updated form on file displaying vaccines and physical
What is a health form?
What is the stage of diaper changing?
In the classroom and the children sit at it
What is the underside of the table?
Recording sheet for boo-boos
What is an Accident/Illness Report?
The most played Enya song?
What is Only Time?
Speaking to a teacher while outside the building
Leaving child's items with child
Not entering the building
What is morning drop off?
Children should always be in a group of at least 1 other child and engaged
Afternoon has difficulty with this
What is 4:00 afternoon issues?
Teachers make sure these 2 area of a child's body are cleaned at all times, since they wipe boogers here especially
What is the wipe across the cheek and forearm?
These job requirements are ones that keep children safe.
All staff should have
Especially if a child was to choke
What is First Aid/CPR, medication training, Epi-Pen training