What is the teacher:child ratio for your current group while they are awake?
Infants- under 12 months 1:3. Infants over 12 months 1:4 Toddlers- 1:6 Preschool- 1:8 KInder 1-10 Schoolage- 1:15
What is the required teacher: child ratio for your group during naptime?
Infants less than months 1:6.
Infants 12 months to less 19 months 1:8.
19 months to less than 3 years 1:12
3 Years to less 4 years 1:16
4years and older 1:20
How far apart are children's cots/cribs to be placed during nap?
3 feet or between a solid barrier for toddlers. 2.5 feet for preschoolers.
How many children can be in the building with just one adult?
Center- 6 children. After 6 children another educator must be on site.
What is the adult:child ratio for your group when they are off daycare property or on a field trip?
Infants- 2:4 Toddlers- 2:6 Twos- 2:8 Preschool- 2:12 School-age- 2:20
State the SIDS prevention rules.
What is
Always place the baby on their back to sleep
Ensure a safe sleep environment free of soft bedding
Keep the baby in the same room with you for 6 months.
When and how often should we do head counts?
During transitions outdoors/ Indoors
During walks
At the playground
At least every 15 minutes!