All in the Family
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Household consists of Mom, her 16 year old child and her grandaughter (the 16 year olds own child). Who is in the household for child care?
Who is: the 16 year old and her child only
If a client is in Sanction, can they receive child care assistance?
What is: Yes. They may be eligible for child care if they are working or in an approved activity in their IRP to cure Sanction.
A client applied for CCSP 05/01/13. He didnt provide information requested so his case was denied. On 05/28/13 he sent in all requested items. What is the application date?
What is: 05/01/13 Why?
How many months gross income does a client need to provide?
What is 3 months What can the client provide to verify this? What if the client does not have the three full months?
What is the default travel time for a clients activity?
What is 15 mins each way
Household consists of undocumented Mom and Dad, 4 children ages 18 and under, with the three oldest being undocumented as well. Who is in the household? Who is eligible?
Who are Mom, Dad and all 4 children. Who is eligible? one child only When will the 18 year old be removed from the household? When they turn nineteen or complete high school/GED, whichever comes first.
Name 3 Non-TANF approved activties
What is Employment, Self Employment, Work Study, Americorps, JobCorps, High School or GED, BFET, Vocational Education or ESL. What are the age rules in regards to school activities?
When requesting information from a client, how many days do we give the client to provide the information?
What is: 10 days What other time do we have to give the client a day 10 notice? What 2 times are we not required to give advance and adequate notice to the client?
What is acceptable documentation to verify visitation?
What is: Court Parenting Plans, Statement from both parents, Client Statement * Client statement- when can we accept this?
A client has applied for child care. We need her gross income and work schedule verified. What letter do I mail to the client to request this information?
What is a PEND Letter. This client is now approved. She reports her employer has chnaged her work schedule. What letter do I mail to get this change verified?
Household consists Mom, Dad and three children. Dads mother has fallen ill and he needs to leave to care for her in Mexico. He plans to be gone for 2 months until another family member can step in and help her. Is in this household eligable for child care?
Who is: No A parent who is voluntarily out of the household for reasons other than employment, must be included in the household. Is he in an approved activity for hh to receive child care?
What are the activities of Seasonal Child Care?
What is seasonal agricultural employment. Picking, planting, thinning, prunning, harvesting, packing * Touching the fruit
How many hours is a FD Unit? How namy hours is a HD Unit?
What is: FD: 10 hours per day HD: 4 hours and 59 mins per day
What verifications are required when considering approval for a Non-Needy Relative case?
What is: verification of NNR work schedule and verification of custody of child. * Income is not counted for a NNR Temp Order: one NNR needs to be in an activity Court Order: both NNR need to be in an activity
How many days can a provider bill when a child is sick?
What is Five days. These days are already included in the number of units we authorized to the provider.
Household is Grandma that has temporary custody of three grandchilren. 2 are brothers and belong to her son. One child is her daughers child. Who is in this household?
Who is: HH for the two brothers HH for the other child Which household does the copay go to?
Can a client receive TANF while receiving Seasonal Child Care?
What is: No What actions need to be taken if a client transitions off or on TANF from Seasonal Child Care?
Cl works: M 800-800, T 800-400, W 800-300 Day Care Provider is open M-F 700- Midnight How many units per week are needed for this non-schoolage child?
What is 3 FD units, 1 OT Unit What if the provider closed at 600pm?
How do you verify citizenship for a child? (3)
What is Birth Certificate, US Passport, Cert. of Naturalization, Dept. of Health Records, Adoption records, Hospital Certificate WITH Declaration of Identity Form (from Output)
How much can we authorize for a Field Trip Fee to a Licensed Provider?
What is None Lic. Providers (and FFN's) are not elgible for the field trip fee Only Lic Family Homes are eligible for the fee
Household consist of unmarried parents and one parent is undocumented. Dad has a child from a previous marriage that visits during the summer. Mom and Dad just had a newborn daughter. Who is considered in the household?
Who is: Mom, Dad, newborn child What happens when the other child visits for the summer?
Two parent household. One parent claims they can not work or care for the children due to an injury. We must determine if the injured parent is ______ and _______.
What is Able and Available. How do we do this? (Handbook 1.8) Lic Professional WAC 388-448-0020 Medical Doctor and Advanced Reg. Nurse (ARNP)
Client has an IRP that reflects 32 (or more) hours per week. What is the default schedule for this clients activity?
What is: 800-500pm
When can a copay increase durign a certification period?
What is: when the State made an error in calculation, when the cleint did not diclose all income and when the client transitions from GAP to employment.