Early Childhood
Middle Childhood
Child Development

when should your child start holding onto things?

around 3 months, this is the age they began to start to hold onto things to walk or to stand. it is also the age where they start to get into things.


what age are most toddlers potty train?

between 2 and 3 years old. at this age you start to notice that they are very interested in the bathroom they're also staying dry throughout the day.


what age do you need to take your toddler to pre-k?

around 3-4 years old, this is the age where they are able to talk and walk and they comprehend words and they have a better understanding.


what is middle childhood?

middle childhood is around the ages of 6 and 12. this is the age your child starts to develop self-awareness, knowing their feelings and emotions more, becoming more flexible with how they think.


what is child development?

child development is how children learn things as they grow, it's the development of their brain.


when should your child start crawling?

between 7 to 10 months. this is the age they start to learn to crawl to get things and how to crawl to get around.


what age do most toddlers learn to talk?

2 years old. this age is where they start saying words, maybe not fully but they start making words up that they heard. 


what age do kids learn right from wrong?

3-4 years old, from what you tell them and your tone they began to understand it's not okay to do some things.


what age do kids start getting hormones?

8 to 13 (females) , 9 to 14 (males).

This is important to know, because it helps you get a better understanding on how your kid is acting.

Hormones mess with your emotions. It can cause you to be really sad or even angry.


why is knowing child development important?

knowing how child development is and what it is is important to know how your child grows up and how your child develops, this is also important to know how to teach them new things as well as ways to help them.

when do you start giving a baby tummy time?

1-3 months, tummy time is where you lay your baby on their belly. with tummy time they learn how to lift their head and within time they start to learn to crawl to get out of tummy time. It is very important.


what age are most toddlers supposed to be walking?

between 10-18 months of age. you notice this by when they start to get up and stand and then they start to take steps.


what age do kids start to make friends?

by 4 years, they should start coming home and telling you about their day and how they made new friends.


what age do middle children want to get a phone?

soon after they get into middle school seeing other kids with electronics starts to impact one another.


how can knowing child development help you later in life?

once you have kids you can know how to teach them things at a young age and you have a better understanding on why they are the way they are you are learning how they develop.


when are they suppose to start lifting their head on their own?

1-3 months old. this is the age they start to lift their head and are able to hold onto their bottle themselves without you needing to.


how would you correct a toddler from bad behavior?

(biting, scratching, spitting, etc)

set limits

show and tell

give consequences

know when not to respond


what age do kids start to get aware of their emotions?

3 to 4 years old, at this age they are able to tell you how they are feeling and why they are feeling this way.


what is a child's most important needs?

a child's most important needs are love and affection, because without love and affection they won't feel safe nor welcomed, without this they grow to find love and affection by other people which can end badly not only that but they won't understand how to love or how love feels. Emotional support, this is important because without emotional support they will feel as if they don't have anyone and most likely won't talk to anyone and this can lead to arguments. Emotional security, this is important so your child could feel safe and secured. Education, is important because this is how they learn and get better social skills. without this they wouldn't understand things they might need in the real world.  


what are the 7 stages of child development?

  • Prenatal Development.

  • Infancy and Toddlerhood.

  • Early Childhood.

  • Middle Childhood.

  • Early Adulthood.

  • Middle Adulthood.

  • Late Adulthood


when do newborns start to see colors?

around 4 months. when babies are born they cannot see colors the only colors they can see is black, white, and gray. this age they start to develop color seeing all the colors slowly.


is having a toddler a lot of work?

a bit, because your always chasing after them, and for them to learn to potty train and to get off the bottle it's a lot of work and you do have many nights with barely any sleep.


what age do kids start to comprehend?

(things like time, math, etc)

around first or second grade, this is when they get used to school and they start learning more and bigger things.


what are a child's basic needs?

a child's basic needs are clothing, food, water, and shelter. the reason this is called basic needs are because these are the things you need to have without any of this it would be hard to survive. clothing is for you not to be exposed, and for you to be warm and not wet depending on the weather. shelter is for you to have a warm place to stay and a place for you to feel safe at. food and water is so you do not die out of hunger.


how do i tell if my child is developing normally or needs proper help?

compare your child's development to other kids. although each kid grows and develops differently, they each have their similarities. if your child isn't similar to other children any then they might have something going on.