Cognitive Development
Physical Development
Language Development
Social / Emotional Development

Dress up center/roleplay, board games, card games, puzzles, experiments, critical thinking activities, activities that promote curiosity. 

Name an activity that would promote cognitive development?


A name for a child between the ages of one and three.

What is a toddler?


True or false?

Young children will find it more difficult to learn new languages than adults



True or False? 

Children do not begin to develop emotionally until they are around 3 years old.



Ask open ended questions, recognize there is more than one good answer or explanation, compare various answers.

How can we encourage critical thinking?


Riding a bike, jumping, dancing are all examples of a. gross motor skills b. fine motor skills  ?

a. gross motor skills


What would be an appropriate way to correct/encourage a child who says, "My foots are sticky from the fwoor."

Encourage the child to keep expressing themselves and talk to you, but also correct their sentence when you say it back to them.

"That's right! Your feet are sticky from the floor."

"Your feet are sticky! The floor must have some juice spilled on it."

(Or something similar)


What is self-regulation? (Specifically for toddlers and up)

The ability to regulate and manage behaviors and emotions in a given situation.

Skills too difficult for a child to master on his own, but can be done with guidance and support.
What is Zone of Proximal development?

Using silverware to feed themselves, stack building blocks, place big pegs in pegboards are all examples of a. gross motor skills b. fine motor skills ?

b. fine motor skills


True or false?

Parents/caregivers will only be able to encourage language development during structured activities.


What is the difference between sympathy and empathy?

Sympathy = the understanding and acknowledgement of another person's emotions

Empathy = experiencing/ feeling another person's emotions.


Developed social development theory, social interaction / culture is highly relevant in the development of cognition.

Who is Vygotsky?


What is one characteristic of toys suitable for infants?

No batteries, no buttons or eyes on stuffed animals, no small pieces, no sharp edges, no long cords.


What is one way that parents can encourage language development in young children?

Asking lots of questions, giving simple directions, pretending to talk to each other on a telephone, reading books together, pronounce words correctly when speaking to them, use new vocabulary, correct words by repeating what the child said, playing games.


Name 2 things a parent can do to encourage social/emotional development in their child.

Respond to their needs in a caring way, Model caring behavior and empathy, Play games/activities that show and name emotions, read books that deal with emotions/conflict resolution etc.


4 stages of development are sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational and formal operational.

What are four stages of development from Piaget's theory?


When does the average child learn to walk?

about 12 months.

(accept any answer within 11-13 months)


What is one reason that language development is so important?

It enables children to learn other things later on, it is directly linked with cognitive development, it allows them to communicate, express feelings and solve problems.


The individual personality differences in infants and young children.
