How Children Learn
Brain Development
Child Development Principles
Child Development Theorist

Play is important aspect of a child’s life because it is how they ______. *

A. Learn

B. Grow

C. Thrive

D. Fail

A. Learn


The brain is made up of billions of nerve cells called... *

A. dendrites

B. red blood cells

C. neurons

D. cortexes

C. neurons


A child’s development follows a ________, or specific order of steps. 

A. trait

B. route

C. sequence

D. idea

C.   sequence


Name the 2 theorists who developed a cognitive approach to child development.

Heredity plays a Role in Child Development

Human needs influence each persons development

Piaget, Vygotsky 


Which of the following is an example of “heredity”? 

A. Blood Type

B. Eye Color

C. Hair Color

D. All of the above

D. All of the above


What is the role of the cerebral cortex? *

A. Deciphering different sounds.

B. Relaying information from the eyes.

C. Important for more complex learning/higher order functions.

D. Controls emotional reasoning.

C.  Important for more complex learning/higher order functions.


Although all children go through the same stages of development, they do so at their own______. *

A. pace

B. trait

C. guidance

D. sequence

A.   pace


Which theorist was criticized for their theories being too subjective? 

Freud's psychosexual model


Which of the following is NOT an example of “environment”:

A. School.

B. Work.

C. Home.

D. IQ.

D.  IQ.


The pathways in the brain are similar to:

A. a bowl of spaghetti

B. a deck of cards

C. rivers and streams

D. the roads in a city

D. the roads in a city


The biological transfer of certain characteristics from earlier generations is?

A. stimulation

B. self-esteem

C. heredity

D. environment

C. heredity


Behaviorists identified what 2 types of conditioning

Classical and operant conditioning 


Which is the last sense of a baby to develop? *

A. Sound.

B. Sight.

C. Smell.

D. Taste.

B. Sight 


Until what age (in weeks) is a fetus' brain still at risk of damage due to teratogens?

38 weeks 

Name the 3 prenatal periods

Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal


Development is described in three domains. Which of the following is NOT one of those three domains.





B. Athletic


Which theorist hypothesized about the importance of others impact on cognitive development and whose model includes the zone of proximal development



What is the least developed organ at birth?

A. heart

B. stomach

C. lungs

D. brain

D.   brain


Which of the following statements about child development is true? *

A. Children go through stages, but the order varies.

B. Children go through the same stages in the same order.

C. Children go through stages at the same rate.

D. Development occurs in one area at a time.

A. Children go through stages, but the order varies.


Erik Erickson's method can be described by which of the following sentences?

There are stages of psychological development

Child-Centered educational approach

Heredity plays a Role in Child Development

Human needs influence each persons development

A. There are stages of psychological development