Key Terms
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COS stands for this:

Child Outcome Summary


skills are skills and behaviors that would be expected for the child's chronological age.

Age-expected (AE)


The COS summarizes information on a child’s functioning in each of the three child outcome areas:

Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships)

Outcome 1


In the Area of Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills- Henry is nearly displaying age-expected skills. This means that he does not yet have the skills we would expect of a child his age. He has the immediate foundational skills that are the building blocks to achieve age-appropriate skills.  


No Age Expected Skills and

Decreasing Degree of Immediate Foundation Skills


The COS process is a team decision-making process involving practitioners and family members who know the child.



EI stands for this:

Early Intervention


skills are the skills that occur developmentally just before age-expected functioning.

Immediate foundational (IF)


The COS summarizes information on a child’s functioning in each of the three child outcome areas:

Use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs

Outcome 2


Relative to other children Amy's age, she has all of the skills that we would expect of a child his age in the area of Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs


Overall Age-Expected Skills


The team does not have to consider culture when discussing functional skills demonstrated by the child. 


It is especially important for the team to discuss with the family their cultural expectations and how culture shapes the opportunities and ways in which a child demonstrates functional skills. This discussion helps the whole team consider how similar or different the child’s functioning is from what same-aged peers within the culture often do.  


ECSE stands for this:

Early Childhood Special Education


 skills are the skills that develop early and serve as the foundation or the base for later skills and behavior. A child whose functioning is like that of a much younger child

Foundational (F)


The COS summarizes information on a child’s functioning in each of the three child outcome areas:

Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication [and early literacy*])

Outcome 3


Relative to same age peers, Calvin shows many age-expected skills, but continues to show some functioning that might be described like that of a slightly younger child in the area of Positive Social-Emotional Skills


Decreasing Degree of Age-Expected Skills


Are based on functioning with the use of assistive technology. COS ratings consider a child’s functioning with whatever assistive technology supports may routinely be available (or not) in the settings where the child spends time.



AE stands for this:

Age Expected


Services provided by the state for children birth to 3 years of age with disabilities or other special needs

Early Intervention (EI)


Also known as the 

the three global child outcomes

Outcomes 1,2,3

or The Three Outcomes


Relative to same age peers, Jeremy has the very early skills in the area of Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Needs. This means that Jeremy has the skills we would expect of a much younger child in this outcome area.


Not Yet Age-Expected of Immediate Foundational Skills


If a child makes progress of 1 skill during time in preschool, Progress should be marked No. 


If the child makes any progress, even developing one new functional skill between entry and exit, the progress question will be marked “yes.”


IF stands for this:

Immediate Foundational


Is the Process of examining a child's functional abilities, skills, and behaviors; and determining how close that functions is to the functioning expected for the child's chronological age. 

Age Anchoring


The form, ratings, or process where children served by EI/ECSE receive team ratings in three outcomes areas to describe their current level of functioning for federal reporting and program improvement

The Child Outcome Summary (COS) Form, Ratings, or Process


Karen has a few of the skills we would expect in regard to Acquisition and Use of Knowledge adn Skills, but she shows more skills that are not age-expected.


Decreasing Degree of Age-Expected Skills


Teams are to correct for prematurity when considering COS?


Are based on chronological age. Teams do not correct for prematurity when considering ratings.