Hiring Practices
Duty to Report
General Knowledge
Facility Access

Those who do not need a CPIC.

What is under 18?


Your legal obligation upon suspicion of abuse.

Duty to report.


Those who receive Child Protection Training.



Your Child Protection Lead.

Who is Jill MacDonald


The type of I.D. necessary to enter the facility.

What is Government Issued Photo I.D.


Amount of References needed.

What is 3?


The person you notify when a report has been made against a staff/volunteer. 

What is your supervisor (Cameron Watson)?


Has oversight of recruitment process?

Who is your supervisor (Cameron Watson) completes the hiring checklist and hands off all documents to payroll (Cindy Helsby) who ensures all documentation is accounted for?


Frequency of training?

What is at least annually?

When an unfamiliar person is in the facility.

What is politely ask for authorization, direct to front desk?


When a CPIC is required.

What is prior to the first day of work?


The locations of the Child Protection Reporting kits. (5)

What is:

HFA Office

Front Desk

Pool Office

Child Care

General Manager's Office


Informs insurance of staff/ volunteer allegations.

Who is Director of Finance (Kelly Greig)?


Times to use head counts/roll calls.

What is:

Head Counts: during scans, during transitions.

Roll Call: before and after transitions.


Visitor/ vendor/ contractor access.

What is a sign in and sign out log at the front desk.


Final step to screen out applicants? (2)

What is asking explicitly if there is any reason the candidate can not work with children or vulnerable people, and a clear CPIC?


Steps of reporting.

What is:

Call FACSLA immediately, providing full details of suspicion?

Notify supervisor a call has been made (without disclosing details)?

Document the report?

Hand the envelope to your supervisor?

Your supervisor will bring the envelope to HR or Child Protection Lead, Jill MacDonald.


Staff and Volunteer responsibilities. (5)

What is:

Maintaining a physical presence, monitoring access, engaging with members?

Ensure areas not in use are locked?

Duty to report?

Attend training related to Child Protection?

Maintain supervision of children 100% of the time?


Traits of active supervision. (4)

What is:

Head Counts and Roll Calls?

Frequent scans?

Monitoring exits?

Engaged in structured activities?


Camper pick up procedure.

What is:

Check government issued photo I.D.?

Refer to Authorized pick up?

Parent sign signature and time?


The recruitment process to determine suitability. (4)

What is:

Job postings indicate CPIC is required?

3 professional references prior to hire?

Signed application and resume?

All interviews contain CPP question?


The method of writing a report. (9)

What is:

Using the Suspected Child Abuse Reporting Form?

In pen?

Clearly and Factually?

Crossing out mistakes with a single line and initial?

Completing full document?

Sign and Dated?

Report is placed in sealed envelope marked CONFIDENTIAL?

Child's name on front of envelope? 

Sign and Date over the seal of the envelope?


Supervisor and Manager responsibilities. (5)

What is:

Support staff who have to make a report?

Ensure recruitment procedures and standards are met?

Ensure that all staff and volunteers receive Child Protection Training?

Respond promptly to complaints or allegations?

Report any incidents that may escalate to their supervisor/CEO?


Topics covered in Child Protection Training? (8)

What is:

Code of Conduct?

Types/Indications of abuse?

Duty to report?

How to report?

Maintaining confidentiality?

Navigating allegations against staff/ volunteer?

Facility access plans?

Crisis communication plan?


Procedure of unauthorized pick up.

What is:

Call a supervisor (Corey Marshall or Cameron Watson)?

Supervisor will call main point of contact to confirm.

Unauthorized person may not depart with child until confirmed by primary guardian.