Red Flags
Prevention Strategies

What are some common behavioral red flags that may indicate a student is using substances?

Changes in mood, attitude, or behavior, such as irritability, aggression, or apathy; changes in academic performance or attendance; and involvement in risky or destructive behaviors.


What are some ways to educate students on the risks of substance use?

providing information on the short-term and long-term effects of different substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs; 

educating students on the laws and consequences related to substance use; 

and providing opportunities for students to practice refusal and decision-making skills.


What are some physical red flags that may indicate a student is using substances?

bloodshot eyes, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, slurred speech, and changes in hygiene or grooming habits


What are some ways to create a positive school culture that discourages substance use?

promoting positive relationships and connections between students, staff, and families

 providing opportunities for student involvement and leadership; 

and fostering a sense of belonging and inclusion for all students.


What are some red flags that may indicate a student is using edibles?

changes in behavior or mood, such as confusion, paranoia, or hallucinations; difficulty speaking or communicating; and changes in physical coordination.


What are some ways to involve parents in substance abuse prevention efforts?

providing information and resources on substance use and its effects; 

involving parents in school-wide prevention efforts, such as parent-teacher associations or student-led prevention groups;

offering workshops or educational opportunities for parents on substance use prevention.


What are some red flags that may indicate a student is vaping?

smelling sweet or fruity odors, seeing a student with a vaping device, seeing smoke or vapor coming from a student's mouth or clothing and finding vaping devices or cartridges.


What do you do if a student asks you to order lunch outside the school on their behalf?

Immediately decline the request


What are some red flags that may indicate a student is smoking marijuana?

smelling the odor of marijuana, seeing a student with a smoking device, such as a pipe or rolling papers, and changes in behavior or mood, such as increased appetite or laughter.


What do you if you notice a student is spending an unusual amount of time in the toilets?

Register your concern to the Child Protection Officer/ Head of Student Affairs