Types of Childcare
True or False
Knowledge checks
TV Trivia

What is the state name for Childcare Subsidy Program?

What is Purchase of Care?


How many types of Childcares are there? 

What is 5? (POC, POC plus, Self-Arrange, Relative care. and Presumptive)


True or False - Once set, the Maximum Family Copay cannot increase over the set amount during the Eligibility Period. 

What True?


What is the age that a child who isn't disabled reaches when they can no longer receive childcare? 

What is 13 years old ?


Name the TV show that had the theme song "Thank You for Being a Friend".

What is The Golden Girls?


In order for childcare to open there has to be a ______.

What is a need?


This type of childcare is an arrangement when an approved relative of the family is paid to care for the child(ren) and it has to be approved through the Purchase of Care Unit. 

What is Relative Care?


True or False - Each child requires their own Authorization

What is True?


When a school age child is authorized for before and after care services for under 4 hours (part-time) that need full time care service for school breaks, Winter and Spring breaks. 

What is extended care?


The name of Al Bundy's wife from Marrie...with Children.

Who is Peg Bundy?

AmeriCorps VISTA income, Temporary U.S. Census Bureau employment income received during the census period, money borrowed or given as a gift, non-recurring lump sum payments (e.g., a lump sum of child support payment), loans or grants and scholarships. These are what type of income?  

What is Excluded income?


This arrangement between a licensed provider and the Parent/Caretaker. This arrangement must be approved by DSS. DSS reimburses the Parent/Caretaker at the DSS payment rate.

What is Self-Arranged Care?


True or False - Graduated Phase Out can occur anytime during the eligibility period if income increases over 200% FPL

What is False?


What is the term used when a process that occurs when the family is under their Maximum Family Copay and has leftover income that can be allocated when there is a change that causes a fee change in one or more authorizations. 

What is reallocation?


Name the actor that played the housekeeper on Who's the Boss TV show?

Who is Tony Danza?


When a client states they have verified shelter and medical expenses, what are the expenses being used to calculate? 

What is to reduce the Parent copay by 40% to have copay waived?


This type of childcare allows approved Providers to charge the family the difference between the DSS payment rate and the provider rate. This additional fee must be set up front and an agreement must be signed by the Parent/Caretaker and the Provider.

What is Purchase of Care Plus?


True or False - Caretakers income counts in the Childcare budget

What is False? 


When applying for this benefit, DSS would automatically add childcare to the application process. 

What is TANF?


What is the name of the song the character Phoebe Buffay sings in the sitcom Friends that aired from 1994-2004.

What is Smelly Cat?


When a client is approved for Presumptive childcare, what is the max amount of time the Parent/Caretaker can be approved for? 

What is up to 60 days?


This type of childcare is approved for a limited time while the need is verified. The Parent/ Caretaker must return verification of need within 10 days. 

What is Presumptive Childcare? 


True or False - DFS referrals must be reverified at renewal

What is True?


For this type of Childcare an email has to be sent to your local purchase of care monitor to start the process for the parent/caretaker to be this type of contractor.

What is self-arranged?


"Winter is coming" is a famous quote from this popular medieval fantasy TV series.

What is Game Of Thrones?