A film where two siblings are left to fend for themselves after their parents die. One of the siblings feels alone while the other cannot control his/her special powers.
A show based on high school kids that are gifted with special creative talents.
A boxed noodle that can be made either on the stove or microwave and is cheesy,
Kraft Mac-n-Cheese
In this movie you are inside a young girls head and you can see all of her emotional characters.
Inside Out
A TV show based on a girl and her 2 friends that have a web show together.
Cold food made for children to take to lunch.
A movie based on a TV show based around Christmas time where the main focus is a nasty holiday treat.
Spongebob Holiday
A show based on the life of a bear and hid forest friends.
Little Bear
Toaster treats that are a pastry that is filled and than iced.
Pop Tart
A group of several movies based on a boys middle school years.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
A TV show based on a cartoon life inside a clock.
Tickety Tock
Yougurt made with two different colors in one cup that is based on a cereal.
Trix Yougurt
A movie based a daughter and father relationship where she tries to save him from someone evil. She is trapped inside a castle and soon breaks the spell placed on the Beast.
Beauty and the Beast
A TV show based on the life of a pig. (Think)
Frozen meals that usually have mac-n-cheese, nuggets, corn, and pudding.
Kid Cuisine