Lily's Favorite Childhood Toys
1960 and 1970 Toys
Toys Today
Toy Movies

What toy do you use brick pieces of all sizes and shapes to make cool sets or make your own creation?

Multiple Choice Question: 1: Lincoln Logs 2: Legos 3: Tinker Toys

What are Legos!!!!!!


What Army Man did they make lots of different versions of?

Multiple Choice Question: 1: GI Joe 2: Plastic Green Army Men 

What are GI Joes!!!!!!!


What Baby Doll did you pull a string that was attached to her back and when you pulled it she talked. The most common thing she would say is I Love You.

Multiple Choice Question: 1: Chatty Cathy 2: Beanie Baby 3: Baby Alive

Who is Chatty Cathy!!!!!!!!


What robotic toy dog has it's own light designs and personalities and there are many different ways to interact with it?

What is The Dog E!!!!!!!


What movie has best friends Woody, Jessy, and Buzz? 

What is Toy Story!!!!!!!


This doll has her own big world and everything from her own movie, her dreamhouse, tons of different outfits, different models made to look like her, tons of fans, and much more. Her favorite color is pink everything she owns is hot pink. What toy doll is every little girl's dream toy?

Multiple Choice Question: 1: Bratz Dollz 2: Polly Pockets 3: Barbies

What Are Barbie Dolls!!!!!!!


What toy weapon is connected to the movie phrase, 

(You'll Shoot Your Eye Out Kid)

Multiple Choice Question: 1: Elf  2: A Christmas Story 3: The Santa Claus

What is The Santa Claus!!!!!!!


What kind of toy did little girls really enjoy having a homemade one the best. And they would have tons of fun decorating and redecorating the rooms and playing with the little people?

Multiple Choice Question: 1: Barbie Dreamhouse 2: Dollhouse 3: Lego Treehouse

What is a Dollhouse!!!!!!!


What SCI-FI Fantasy movie droid can make over 45 sound, light, and movement combinations?

What is The Star Wars LOLA animatronic droid!!!!!


What movie is about some very colorful little people who bring together their people and their enemies and they all become friends in the end? 

What is Trolls!!!!!!


What toy doll has their own story about a time in history and they teach the little girls and boys lots of lessons and give lots of advice?

Multiple Choice Question: 1: American Girl Doll 2: Bratz 3: LOL Dolls

What are American Girl Dolls!!!!!!!


What sticky kind of goop which is also a toy, could you use to squeeze, pull apart, and put back together again?

What is Silly Putty!!!!!!!!!


What kind of skates were like Ice Skates except you didn't use them on the ice?

What are Roller Skates!!!!!!


What is the tallest tower in Paris that just got made in to a Lego set?

What is The Eiffel Tower!!!!!!!!


What movie is about a puppet who comes alive and can't tell the truth so his nose grows every time he doesn't?

What is Pinocchio!!!!!!


What is the pocket sized doll that has a dollhouse that is made inside of a compact makeup container?

What are Polly Pockets!!!!!!!


This colorful cube shaped puzzle which many people love solving got sold over 1 million times over less than 3 years. They make different kinds of shapes of this puzzling puzzle that will keep you guessing for hours. What puzzle cube toy is this?

What is a Rubik's Cube!!!!!!!


What soft and cuddly toy could be a little kid or a adult's best friend?

What is a stuffed animal!!!!!!


What card game is L's favorite one to play?

What is UNO!!!!!!!!


What is the board game that got made in to a movie and is set in a dangerous jungle?



What stuffed animal had a code that you entered in on a website and it would let you use it to enter your best friend's own world?

What are Webkinz!!!!!!


What toy is cute and cuddly during the day and is also your best friend but becomes a terror at night? They also can interact with you and react accordingly to your mood.

What are Furbies!!!!!!!!


What toy could you use to safely make a delicious treat with? 

What is a Easy Bake Oven!!!!!!!


What is the board game where you can make purchases on businesses and whoever has the most wins called?

What is Monopoly!!!!!!!!


What is the name of the movie about the cute little yellow friend with a lightning bolt for a tail?

What is Detective Pikachu!!!!!!