What is the Servant of God’s Birthday?
May 7, 1969
How many days did it take God to create the Earth?
Six days
What si the language of a Christian?
No bad words
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, _______, ________, _________ 1 and 2 of Samuel
Joshua, Judges, Ruth
Name this tune
Los niños son de Cristo
What is the Servant of God’s full name?
Naason Merari Joaquín Garcia
What was the name of the tree God mentioned Adam and Eve shouldn’t eat from?
The Tre of knowledge of good and evil
How many genders did God create?
2 genders: Male and Female
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, ________, __________, 1 and 2 Corinthians
Acts, Romans
Name this tune
Hermosa Doctrina
What is the date of the Calling of the Servant of God Naason Joaquin?
December 8, 2014
What did Cain do to his brother Abel?
He killed him
What is the true meaning behind tattoos and piercings?
Slaves and Beast only use piercings and marks
How many books does the Old Testament have?
Finish the hymn:
Que amor tan grande
Cristo mostró para mí, traer a mis padres a su bendito redil
What is the date of the manifestation of the Servant of God Naason Joaquin?
December 14th 2014
What were people trying to build when God decided to make them speak different languages?
The Tower of Babel
What is the difference between fruit of the vine and wine?
Fruit of the vine= grape juice
Wine= fermented grape juice
How many books does the New Testament have?
Finish the hymn:
Agradezco a mi Señor, por la vida
de mis padres. Conocieron a un varón que enseñó la luz.
What was God’s response to the Apostles prayer on 12/8 after the Apostle Samuel slept in the arms of the Lord?
¿Por qué me pides consuelo si tú haz de consolar a mi pueblo?
How old was Noah when the flood of water was upon the Earth?
600 years old
Why is our body considered the temple of God?
The spirit of God dwells in us
What is the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament?
The Old Testament was before Jesus was born
The New Testament was after Jesus was born
Who are we praising when we sing our hymns in church?