Name it
Healthy Kids
These are the formal names of the following acronyms E.L.P., C.S.C., S.A.P, C.I. & Y.O.U.
What are Early Learning Programs, Community Services Center, School-Age Program, Casa Infantil, & Youth Opportunities Unlimited.
All three programs, ELP, SAP & YOU implement this on at least a monthly basis.
What is food experiences.
Love & Logic is the name of the curriculum utilized within this program to enhance parenting skills of parents with teenagers
What is YOU
"Amor, Love" was the name of this annual YOU production in which 175 people attended in this original presentation.
What is Teatro Juvenil
Within the Early Learning Programs the program passed this tri-annual review with 0 findings.
What is the Head Start Federal Review
This program on average serves 60 youth every day.
What is School Age Program
Name the three primary focas areas of the Healthy Children's Iniative.
What are Nutrition, Fitness, and Health Monitoring
This curriculum is implemented in both YOU & SAP to enhance fitness activities for youth
What is SPARKS
Through the partnership with the Center for Student Missions this program had over 50 volunteers within its center.
What is SAP
Utilizing the "Everyday Math" curriculum at this site over 93% of students met or exceeded expectations in math development by the end of the year.
What is Munoz Marin
This program transitioned over 150 children in FY13.
What is ELP
In SAP over 50% of the children were identified as Overweight or Obese according to this tracking method
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)
This curriculum is utilized by both center-based and home-based programs to ensure every child is ready for kindergarten
What is Creative Curriculum
With this SAP event over 40 families pledged to turn off all electronics for a week and play more games and physical activities at home.
What is Turn Off Week
In these programs 100% of youth advanced to the next grade level.
What are SAP & YOU
This program is celebrating 25 years of service at Casa Central.
What is YOU
These programs collect and monitor the physicals, immunization records and dentals of all the students in their program.
What is ELP & SAP
This database collects all thje health and referral information for YOU, SAP & ELP
What is COPA
This program engages children in reading by bringing books to life annually during the Week of the Young Child.
What is ABC home-based
The Early Learning Programs exceeded its Head Start requirement by serving 13% of this population in FY13.
What are children with special needs
In the ELP center-based services, these are the three primary funding sources to allow for full-day programming from 7am-6pm.
What are IDHS Child Care, CPS Preschool for All, & Ounce of Prevention Head Start
Name two types of dance programs the YOU program offered to enhance the fitness of their youth last fiscal ear.
What are Zumba & Breakdancing
According to the observations collected on this database for developmental assessment over 95% of children met or exceeded expectations for literacy development.
What is Teaching Strategies GOLD
In FY13 this was the theme of the After School Matters apprenticeship for YOU
What is Urban Planning
18 youth ages 5-12 participated in 3-8 week grief counseling groups at SAP with this partnership
What is Barr Harris