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Even More Books
All books published for preschoolers, children and young adults that are not part of a basal reading series or as textbooks for the use in schools
What is a trade book?
A set of materials specifically designed for teaching reading and language arts that frequently form the basis for an instructional program of reading
What is a reading series?
Tempo, volume, rhythm, pitch, juncture.
What are the elements of poetry?
The story begins in the present, and then, through some artifact from the past, the protagonist is transported into a specific period in history.
What is time-slip fantasy?
Rhyme, comparison, onomatopoeia and imagery.
What are poetic devices
These brief fictional narratives with a formal structure with unity of time, place and action.
What are short stories?
A general category of books having the same basic format and way or communicating a message involving a partnership between text and pictures with the pictures and text together telling the story.
What are picture books?
Newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and material on the internet or in software programs.
What are nonbook resources?
Books in which textual and visual information merge and "meaning" is constructed through a holistic and simultaneous reading of both the visual and textual elements.
What are graphic novels?
Fictional characters are presented in historically accurate context.
What is historical fiction?
A form of poetry performed in front of an audience, often in a competitive environment, in which audiences feedback and response are part of the event
What is poetry slam?
"Folk literature" that includes fairytales, folk tales, Mother Goose rhymes, legends, myths, proverbs, epics, fables etc.
What is traditional literature?
Texts that incorporate details and explanations into a story.
What is narrative nonfiction?
Beginning novels for children who are usually in grade 2 and 3.
What are chapter books?
The genre that provides much of the resource material for teaching across the curriculum.
What is information books or nonfiction literature?