Calling Moses
Calling Joseph
Calling Jacob
Calling Israel
Bible Trivia!

How many plagues were set upon the land of Egpyt?

10 Plagues


What special gift did Jacob give to his most beloved son?

A coat of many colors.


What does Jacob’s name mean?

Heel holder, supplanter.


Name the ten plagues in order.

Blood, frogs, lice, flies, pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, killing of the firstborn


Who are Joshua and Caleb?

The two spies of the children of Israel who gave a positive report of the good land and led them there.


Why did Moses return to Egypt?

God told him to go and tell Pharaoh "let my people go."


Joseph was sold by his jealous brothers to the Midianite traders for how many pieces of silver?



When Jacob deceives his brother Esau by taking his birthright, who’s house does he run away to?

His uncle Laban’s house.


How many years were the children of Israel wandering in the wilderness?

40 years.


How many people were chosen to be part of Gideon's army?

300 men.


How did God appear to and speak to Moses?

Through a burning thorn bush


What would happen to the person that had “stolen” the silver cup?

They would become Joseph’s slave. 


How many years did Jacob serve his uncle Laban?

20 years - 7 for Leah, 7 for Rachel, and 6 for his sheep


What does manna look and taste like?

It was like coriander seed, white, and its taste was like wafers made with honey.


What happened after Samson's hair got cut off?

He was blinded and bound in prison. He prayed to Jehovah and used his strength one last time to destroy the Philistines. 


How did the children of Israel escape the pursuing Egyptians?

God told Moses to put his staff & hand over the waters of the Red Sea and it parted so they could walk through. Then, the sea flooded onto the pursuing Egyptians.


Why did Joseph hide the silver cup in Benjamin’s bag while on their way back to Egypt?

To see if his brother’s hearts had changed. He discovered that they truly cared about one another and Judah even promised his father, Jacob, that he would take full responsibility for bringing Benjamin back to him.


What did Laban do to his flock of sheep to deceive Jacob?

Laban took away all the streaked, spotted and speckled goats, every one that had white in it, and all the black ones among the sheep! These were supposed to be the sheep for Jacob’s wages, but Laban secretly took them away. He told his sons to watch over them and took them to a far away place that was three days’ journey from Jacob.


How did the children of Israel drink water in the wilderness?

Jehovah turned the bitter waters sweet at Marah.

Jehovah commanded Moses to strike the rock.


Who is Boaz?

A man of great wealth from Elimelech's family who married Ruth.


How did God protect the Israelites from the plague of death and prepare them to escape Egypt?

The Israelites had to kill a lamb and put the blood on the doorpost of their home to protect the family inside. Then, they ate the meat of the lamb and the inward parts to give them strength to leave.


Can you recall what Pharoh’s dream was and it’s interpretation?

Seven fine looking and fat fleshed cows come up out of the River; and they grazed in the reed grass. And then seven other cows came up after them out of the River, ugly looking and thin fleshed; and they stood by the fat ones beside the River. And the ugly looking and thin fleshed cows ate up the seven fine looking and fat cows. Seven years of plenty and seven years of famine.


As Jacob flees, God gives Jacob a dream. Can you describe his dream?

Ladder set up that extends from heaven to earth with angels ascending and descending. Jehovah was at the top of the ladder and promised that Jacob’s seed would be as the dust of the earth, and they would spread abroad to the west, and to the east and to the north and to the south, and in you and in your seed will all the families of the earth be blessed. Jehovah promised that he would be with Jacob wherever he went and would not leave until Jehovah fulfilled all that He had promised Jacob.


What does the word "manna" mean?

What is it?


Who is Hannah and what did she pray?

Hannah was a woman who desperately prayed for a child and vowed to give him to Jehovah all the days of his life.