What does Discipline mean?
Discipline means to train
What Does F A R stand for?
Name two of the three ( third is a bonus of 100)Face Reality
Adjust Perspective
Reset Course
What is the Vision for the BSF Children's Leaders
Reach to next generation
When a baby cries, what could be the issue? Infant (birth-9months)
discomfort, fear, anger, hunger and fatigue.
more than 2 answers ( 100 bonus points)
What is the purpose of an opening sentence?
Capture the Child's attention.
Complete this sentence; Redemptive Discipline trains....
Children to love God and love others.
What does Redeemed mean?
To buyback; to gain something of value in an exchange.
What are we to teach
God's Word (age appropriate 200 Bonus point)
Babies are becoming aware of their surroundings, they will reach for...
Infants (9-18 Months)
Objects, crawl, pull up to stand, and learn to walk
3 or more answers (200 Bonus points)
How can we introduce the scripture verse to the children?
Through Singing, actions, instruments
More than one answer (200 bonus Points)
What is the essential foundation of Redemptive Discipline?
Relationships !
What is a preventive mode?
Have a plan before distractions of discipline situations occur.
Define God Focused
Highlights attributes of God.
Toddlers can physically
stand, walk and even jump
2 or more (300 Bonus points)
How many songs are selected and how many introductions to the songs are required?
3 songs
2 intros
What are the three relationship goals in order to build trust with Children?
Name 2 (bonus points for all three)
Consistency Connection and Grace
What is Responsive Mode?
Respond WHEN distractions and discipline situations occur.
Define Gospel Centered
Big Idea of the story ( God's action, He heals He saves etc.)
Pre-schoolers are active and busy. They value
doing activities and moving their bodies
Name the two Modes of Redemptive Discipline?
Name 1 ( bonus if you can name both)
Preventive Mode and Responsive Mode
Name the 5 tools in preventive and responsive modes
Name 3 (bonus for all five)
Co-Leadership Prayer Transitions
Nurturing Love Setting Limits
The Role of the Children Leader is
to shepherd, teach and lead.
Bonus 500 for all three
Preschoolers uses their imagination to....
To play, to practice language, and to express feelings
more than 1 (500 bonus points)