What is the tallest (current) land animal in the world?
A Giraffe
What is one way you can show someone you're really listening to them?
Any: Look at them, Nod, Ask questions about what they're saying, Others: ___?
Who was Lilo's pet in the Disney movie?
You might feel this way if... You get a big surprise birthday party!
Any: Happy, Excited, Surprised, Others: ___?
Bonus Jeopardy (double points)! Everyone try two rounds of calming triangle breathing and one person say how you feel after:
Nice calming breathing, everyone!
What do bees make that we eat?
If someone is talking and you want to share your thoughts, but they are not done speaking, what can you do?
Any: Wait your turn, Listen first, Raise your hand (or other nonverbal gesture), Others: ___?
What is the name of the toy space ranger in Toy Story?
Buzz Lightyear
You might feel this way if... Your best friend moves far away.
Any: Sad, Nervous, Mad, Surprised, Unsure, Others: ___?
Name two things you can do to reduce stress.
Any: Deep breathing, mindfulness, doing a hobby you love, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, talking to someone you trust, exercise, Others: ___?
What bird has colorful feathers and can mimic human speech?
What should you do if you're unsure if you hurt someone's feelings?
Any: Ask how they feel, say "I'm sorry," Try to make them feel better, use THINK, Others: ___?
Who is the fairy tale character who loses their glass slipper?
You might feel this way if... You see a puppy doing something really funny.
Any: Amused, Joyful, Surprised, Happy, Others: ___?
Bonus Jeopardy (double points)! Everyone try two rounds of calming square breathing and one person say how you feel after:
Nice calming breathing, everyone!
What do you call a group of fish?
A school
What are two ways you can tell how someone if someone is happy (or sad)?
Any: Look at their face, Listen to the tone of their voice, Ask how they are doing, Others: ___?
What is the name of the princess who lives under the sea?
You might feel this way if... A stranger gives you help when you ask for it.
Any: Thankful, Surprised, Happy, Appreciative, Others: ___?
You might squeeze or play with this ___ if you're feeling stressed or upset and need to focus. (Hint: It could be hard or soft)
Any: Stress Ball, Fidget Toy, Animal Plushie, Weighted Blanket, Others: ___?
What animal has black and white stripes and lives in Africa?
A zebra
Any: Listen to their side, Talk calmly about your side, Negotiate, Be flexible, Compromise, Others: ___?
What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
Tinker Bell
You might feel like this if... Someone takes your drink without asking at the movies.
Any: Confused, Hurt, Upset, Angry, Thirsty, Others: ___?
Being nice to ourselves when feeling nervous, anxious, or stressed can help us feel better. What are two things you like about yourself?
Answers may vary 🙂
What sea creature has eight arms and can squirt ink?
An octopus
What is one good way to make a new friend?
Any: Say hello and smile, Ask about their favorite things, See if you have something you both like, Do an activity together, Others: ___?
Which is larger: Disney Land or Disney World?
Disney World
You might feel this way if... You win Trivia!
Any: Proud, Satisfied, Excited, Tired, Others: ___?
Hobbies can be good coping skills and ways to let out frustrating or overwhelming energy. What are two activities you like to do for fun or relaxing?
Answers may vary 🙂