Society and Politics
Human Rights

Who is the current Chinese president?

Xi Jinping.


Describe two violations of human rights for Muslim immigrants in China.

Being interned in labor camps, tortured, indoctrinated into Chinese propaganda, etc.


Name three things banned in China (websites, intellectual properties, etc.).

Winnie the Pooh, all Google services, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.


Who is Tank Man and what does he represent in both China and the United States?

Tank Man is an unidentified protester in the aftermath of the Tienanmen Square protests in 1989 that blocked a row of tanks from passing through. He represents Chinese oppression and is one of the iconic figures of resisting government abuse in the US, even though Tank Man has since been censored in China.


What is the one-child policy and its goals, and what did it accomplish as a result?

The one-child policy is a birth control policy that limited the amount of children a couple may have down to one child (preferably male). Now, China is attempting to grow its population again with the new two child policy due to a lack of women to bear children.


What is the social credits system?

A ranking system that ranks based on the amount of "good works" a citizen has done for the country.


Name two examples of Internet crackdown in China.

Banning of VPNs, forcing companies to store data in local Chinese servers, censoring streams, restrictions on popular Internet platforms in order to give some control to Party members.


What are some (name three) of the lost privelages that comes with having a low social credit score?

1. Ban of domestic flights

2.Slow internet speeds

3.Banning kids from schools

4.Stopping high paying jobs

5.Getting pets taken away

6.Publicly named bad citizens


Name two punishments and two rewards in the social credits system.

Punishments: ban of flight, slower Internet speed, banning kids from entering school, preventing employment of high paying job, taking pets away, being publicly shamed

Rewards: better dating matches, discounts on energy, rent without deposit, better interest rate in banks


Name the three main reasons why China passed its two-child policy and urging its population to procreate (or make more babies).

- Not enough females to grow population.

- Growing children and maintaining families is expensive.

- Long work hours.


How does the Chinese government blame the Muslim minority in their country? What reason do they have for persecuting them in the first place?

To prevent further perceived "extremist" attacks against China. In this situation, Muslims can be called scapegoats.


Explain one way China uses political power to control the Internet, corporations, and online sources in China. 

Hint: The answer shouldn't include "banning".

Everything (especially news) must be edited and reviewed by Party members, and requires corporations to store data in servers controlled by the government. 


Name any two components that make up the Chinese government, and explain their purposes. One of the components cannot be "the Communist Party".

Discipline Commission, Politburo, Party Elders, Military Affairs Commission, National People's Congress, State Council, Armed Forces, Court and Prosecutors, Provinces and Townships.


What do you think the Chinese goverment goal is by "re educating" Muslims in the country?

The Chinese government is “trying to expunge ethnonational characteristics from the people,” James Millward, a professor at Georgetown University, told me. “They’re not trying to drive them out of the country; they’re trying to hold them in.”

“The ultimate goal, the ultimate issue that the Chinese state is targeting [is] the cultural practices and beliefs of Muslim groups,” he added.


What was the latest internet control law and what were the effects?

Oct. 1 - New rules require internet users to register their real names when using online forums. Authorities have attempted to push "real-name" registration before — users of social media platform Weibo and online portal Sohu have been asked register their identities in the past — but those initiatives were not as strictly implemented.