China's other regions
Tourism in China
Chinese History
Chinese Leaders and their decisions

The basis of Japanese society



This city was taken by the British after the Opium Wars. It is the best example of modern public transportation and will return to China 50 years after 1997.

Hong Kong


One of the most popular tourist destinations in China. It is a large wall that extends many miles.

The Great Wall of China


What were the three main commodities the British were after in China.

Tea, silk, and porcelain.


China's current leader. He is the most "Maoist" of all leaders since Mao himself.

Xi Jingping


The American who is responsible for "opening up" Japan to the world at the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate Period

Matthew Perry


Taken by the Portuguese after the Opium Wars. This SAR doubles the revenue of Las Vegas and is home to the largest casinos in the world.



This tourist destination was home to Dynastic Emperors and access to it was disallowed for outsiders. Historically, males that served the Emperor here had to have their male appendage removed.

The Forbidden City


After the Opium Wars, who was blamed for the British victory in China?

The Empress


China's first communist leader that was responsible for the deaths of over 30 million people due to starvation.

Mao Zedong


Why were the Japanese hated so much by the rest of Asia during World War Two?

The Japanese mindset at the time was that the Yamato Japanese were the superior race and slaughtered millions in other Asian countries while invading during World War Two.


This region is made up of people who are not ethnically Chinese. They lived in high elevations and were relatively poor until China enacted Hanification/Sinicization and brought tourism to the region.

Tibet - Xizang


Tourism is technically banned under ________. 



Before the Opium Wars, China had a ___________ system of leadership.



This Chinese leader was the next leader after Mao and was responsible for the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

Deng Xiaoping


This term refers to torment over wrongdoing being done against oneself in Korean Culture.

Korean Han


This territory is occupied by a minority group of Muslims called Uyghurs and evidence suggests that the Chinese send many of these people to concentration "reeducation camps" in their process of Hanification 



Ten percent of all of China's economic profits are from this industry.

Counterfeiting industry


Describe the Cultural Revolution of China.

The basis of communism involves ridding society of the bourgeoises, so Mao created the Red Guard. The Red Guard was a band of young men that were ordered to kill anyone who was a part of the bourgeoises leaving millions dead and China in a state of paranoia and fear.  


The first Chinese leader to take over after the end of the Dynastic period.

Sun Yat-Sen


Why are the Japanese hated by other Asian countries in modern society?

After the destruction of nearby nations in World War Two, the Japanese did not apologize. On top of this, the Japanese received assistance from the United States and became the world's third-largest economy while the rest of Asia remained damaged and impoverished. 


This region is home to Lhasa, the holy city of Buddhist. The Dalai Lama, head of the Buddhist religion, is exiled from China; therefore, he is now allowed to enter.

Tibet - Xizang


This tourist site was only uncovered in the modern era and was buried by a Chinese Emperor over 2000 years ago.

Terracotta Warriors


Describe the Great Leap Forward in its entirety

The Great Leap Forward was a program done by Mao Zedong that involved the rapid industrialization of China. He believed that steel was the reason that the United States and Great Britain were so wealthy. With this, Mao ordered farming tools to be melted into steel and that farmers work in factories or on collecting steel. Once famine began, Mao blamed birds for eating all of the seeds and ordered all birds be killed. This then allowed for locusts and other insects to eat what food was left leaving an estimated 30 million people dead.


This Chinese figure was the leader of the Nationalist Party and fought against the Communist Party in China's Civil War

Chiang Kai-Shek