Buddhism, Hinduism, and Confucianism is to Asia as _____ is to Europe.
What is Christianity?
This group of people established the Qing dynasty in 1636.
Who are the Manchus?
Originally, the Chinese used gunpowder for this.
What are fireworks?
Dating back over 3,000 years, this capital of China has a long and rich history.
What is Beijing?
To promote the glory of Ming dynasty China, Zheng He led this amount of voyages on behalf of the Chinese emperor.
What is seven?
The printing press is to Europe as _____ is to Asia.
What is gunpowder?
During Qing Isolationism, China was largely self-sufficient in resources and this.
What is agriculture?
Chinese artisans became skilled in making this ceramic that is made of fine clay baked at high temperatures.
What is porcelain?
These winds from the Indian Ocean create a huge amount of rainstorm in the Himalayan Mountains.
What are Monsoon?
The ships that Zheng He sailed were called this. They were meant to impress and intimidate other nations through "shock and awe".
What are "Junks"?
Columbus is to Europe as _____ is to Asia.
Who is Zheng He?
The Qing dynasty allowed some foreign influence including these Roman Catholic people.
Who are missionaries?
Reaching their peak size during the Ming dynasty, these were used for both trade and warfare.
What are junk ships?
Considered as the largest mountains in the world, they provided a natural boundary for ancient China.
What are the Himalaya Mountains?
Zheng He's voyages spanned from Northeastern China across this ocean to Southeastern Africa.
What is the Indian Ocean?
The White House is to Washington as _____ is to China.
What is the Forbidden City?
During the Qing dynasty's isolationism, there were signs of trouble including famine and these.
What are floods?
The Manchus broke through this to eventually force the fall of the Ming dynasty and beginning of the Qing dynasty.
What is the Great Wall?
Passing through central China, the Yangtze and this river serve as a source of fertile soil, fresh water, transportation, and food.
What is the Yellow River?
From his voyages, Zheng He brought back zebras, camels, these animals, and many other exotic Arab and African things that China had never seen before.
What are giraffes?
Horses are to the Mongols as gunpowder is to the _____.
Who are the Ming?
This term is used for the government's resistance to change in the Qing dynasty era.
What is corrupt?
This ambitious project connected China's two great rivers.
What is the Grand Canal?
Known as two of the world’s largest deserts, the Taklamakan Desert and this desert provided boundaries that kept the Chinese secluded from the rest of the world.
What is the Gobi Desert?
Zheng He's father and grandfather both made the pilgrimage to Mecca which is an obligation for members of this religion.
What is Islam?