Political Government
Emperors under the Han and Song Dynasty used this type of government made up of scholar-officials to rule China
What is a meritocracy
This device helped improve agriculture by allowing farmers to irrigate their land at the edges of lakes marshes and rivers to grow rice
What is chain pump
The Chinese were the first to make this metal from iron which is easier to bend into different shapes
What is Steel
This Dynasty begins with opening up China to Foreign influence and ends with cutting off ties with foreigners
What is the Ming Dynasty
This religion originated in India and was founded by Siddartha Guatama
What is Buddhism
Emperors who believed that wealthy landowners helped make the best decisions about running the government created
What is an Aristocracy
Water transportation along the vast rivers in China increased trade. Two of the water transports were
What are barges and junks
This invention made it more convenient to purchase goods and is still used today all over the world when making transactions
What is paper money
Chinese New Year is Feb. _____ and lasts for ________ days.
What is 19th and 15
This Religion focuses on Nature and does not believe that education = happiness. The Founder is Lao Tsu
What is Taoism
The Mongol Invasion also known as the Yuan Dynasty allowed outsiders to run the government also referred to as
What is government by foreigners
Many people were drawn to the cities that were in the middle of trade centers and full of vibrant life and shops and markets. The growth of a city is also known as
What is Urbanization
This navigational tool really helped sea merchants and is also useful modern day in the form of GPS systems
What is a Compass
China becomes increasing frustrated with foreign influences especially this group who helps its converts to avoid paying taxes
What are Buddhist
This religion is more like a code of behavior and believes that honoring your ancestors is important
What is Confucianism
Under this dynasty lower class people gained the power to be scholar officials
What is the Song Dynasty
Agriculture changed in China for 2 main reasons
What is a) Farmers were forced to the south where it was better to grow rice b) New type of rice resistant to drought and matured in 2 months instead of 5
When you blend science with magic you get a group of people who are responsible for creating gunpowder
Who are alchemist
During Chinese New Year Gold represents ______ and Red represents______.
What is prosperity and luck
This religion has rules, a way to happiness and peace and believe
What is Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism
Under this dynasty civil service exams were not open to these groups merchants actors and beggars
What is the Tang Dynasty
Rice production was an important development in China for 4 reasons
What is a) increased food production b) population increases c) peasants could take time away from farming to make/sell other products d) Rich landowners buy luxury items
This idea to prevent a disease by infecting a person with the disease to build immunity is credited to the Chinese and known as
What is inoculation or to innoculate
Preparation for Chinese New Year can start as early as 2 weeks before. Name 5 things that can be done to prepare for this special event
What is 1. cleaning your house 2. buying new clothes 3. washing and cutting your hair 4. getting fresh crisp bills 5. decorating your home
This religion has high expectations for behavior and was created because something was wrong with the Chinese government
What is Confucianism and Buddhism