What did ancient Chinese astronomers make?
star maps
what did star maps do?
show the sky at a specific time
Who was Shen Kuo?
A polymath Chinese scientist
What book records the earliest known solar eclipse?
the Book of Documents
What number do the Chinese divide the sky into?
28 regions
What was the name of the earliest recorded supernova?
What comet is recorded in the Spring and Autumn Annals?
Comet Halley
when year do the Chinese first determine the spring equinox
1100 BC
the crab nebula or messier 1
What did Shen Kuo argue in his Dream Pool Essays?
why were certain celestial events important to ancient China?
help predict the rise and fall of dynasties
used to decide when to plant crops
What was Gan De's recorded observation?
what year did the Chinese make the earliest known record of a meteor shower?
What book made the earliest known dated record of sunspots
the Book of Han