What does Adeline call her duckling?
What happens to the nicest gifts from Big Sister's wedding?
Niang keeps them for herself.
What type of dog is Wu Chun-Mei about to recieve?
A pug.
Why is the next school day very special?
It is an election day for class president.
Who wrote the book Chinese Cinderella?
Adeline Yen Mah
Who helps Adeline to bury PLT?
Third Brother
What does Big Sister receive from her Grand Aunt?
A pendant made of antique imperial green jade.
How does Adeline sneak over to Wu Chun-mei's house?
There is a school holiday and she pretends to go to school, but goes to Wu Chen-mei's house instead.
Who does Adeline talk with after seeing Cook?
Aunt Baba
Niang is Half Chinese/ Half what?
Half French
Why does Father want to test Jackie?
To see if his expensive training is working.
Who discovers that Niang learns about the gift that Big Sister is hiding from her?
Why does Adeline have to leave?
She is expected home at lunchtime.
What surprise does Adeline make in her speech?
That Wu Chen-mei should really be the president.
Where is Adeline born?
What does Big Brother suggest they do with PLT instead of burying it?
Stew it for breakfast
How old is Big Sister when she is married?
What does Adeline give Wu Chen-mei before she leaves?
Her phone number.
Why is Adeline suddenly panic-stricken when Ah Sun knocks on her door?
Her friends from school are downstairs asking for her and Niang and her Father are home.
When was the book first published?
Who comes to visit the family after Father and Niang return from Tianjin?
The Huangs
To whom will Big Sister be married?
Dr. Sung's son, Samuel.
What do the siblings nickname the room where Little Sister and Fourth Brother live?
The antechamber.
How does Adeline feel after winning the class presidency?
On top of the world.
What is Adeline's given name in Chinese?