
What does 又 indicate in a sentence?

It indicates the recurrence of an action.


Where is 都沒 (dou mei)placed in the sentence?

爸爸 A 今天 B 一杯 C 茶 D 喝 E。

爸爸今天一杯茶 D 喝。


Where should 沒有(mei you)be placed in this sentence?

他 A 姐姐 B 他妹妹 C 那麼 D 喜歡 E 買東西 F

他姐姐 B 他妹妹那麼喜歡買東西。


Where does 呢(ne) belong?

呢(ne) Indicating an Action in Progress

我昨 A 天给 B 他打电话 C 的时候 D,E 他正在 F 做功课 G。

我昨天给他打电话的时候,他正在做功课 G。


Where does 对 (duì) go? 

A 睡觉 B 你健康 C 有用 D.

睡觉 B 你健康有用.


Should 会 or 可以 be used in this sentence?

我 _ 说中文



Where is 多 (dou)placed in this sentence?

上中文 A 課得 B 說中文,C 少說 D 英文 E。

上中文課得 B 說中文,少說英文。


Where should 那麼(na me)be placed in this sentence?

你 A 不喜歡 B 寫日記 C,D 就別 E 寫了 F 吧。

你 A 不喜歡寫日記,就別寫了吧。


Where should the Time Duration: 三个钟头, be placed in the sentence? 

我 A 每天 B 在 C 书店 D 工作 E 。

我每天在书店工作 E 。


What does 越来越 (yuè lái yuè) mean?

A) Extreme 

B) Indicates the beginning of an action

C) Progression over time

D) Varying degrees

C) Progression over time


Where is 比 placed in this sentence?

你 A 男朋友 B 我男朋友 C 更 D 帅。

你男朋友 B 我男朋友更帅。


Should 剛(gang)or 剛才(gang cai)be placed in the sentence? 




Complete the structure for using 到(dao)and 去(qu)。

“到(dao)+ —— + 去(qu)+ ——”

“到(dao)+ Place + 去(qu)+ Action”


Complete the usage definition of 是。。。的(shi de):

To describe or inquire about the __, the __, the __, or the initiator of an action that we know __ happened, we need to use the 是…的 (shì...de) structure. 

To describe or inquire about the time, the place, the manner, or the initiator of an action that we know already happened, we need to use the 是…的 (shì...de) structure.


What does 我的肚子 疼死 (Wǒ de dùzi téng sǐ) mean? 

A) My stomach really hurts

B) I have food poisoning 

C) My stomach hurts because of food poisoning 

A) My stomach really hurts


Where is 了 placed in this sentence?

周末 A 他 B 去 C 逛街 (ɡuànɡjiē/shopping) D

周末他去逛街 (ɡuànɡjiē/shopping) D


Complete the usage definition of 好(hao):

好(hao)can serve as a __ following a verb, indicating the ___。

EX.) 飯做好了,快來吃吧。

好(hao)can serve as a complement following a verb, indicating the completion of  an action。


Complete the usage definition of 過(guo):

The dynamic ___ 過(guo)is used to denote a ___ ___ or occurence that did not occur to the ___ but, typically, had an impact on the ___.

The dynamic particle 過(guo)is used to denote a past experience or occurence that did not occur to the present but, typically, had an impact on the present.


Where is 还 (hái, still) correctly placed?

这个 A 语法 B 老师教 C 了,D 可是我 E 不懂 F。

这个语法老师教了,可是我 E 不懂。


Complete the usage definition of 起來(qi lai):

起來(qi lai)indicates the moment when something __ becomes __, that is, it signifies the __ of an __ or state. 

起來(qi lai)indicates the moment when something static becomes dynamic, that is, it signifies the beginning of an action or state. 


Complete the correct sentence structure using 可是/但是.

___ +是(shì) + ___, + 可是/但是…

 Adj/ V +是(shì) + Adj / V, + 可是/但是…


Complete the usage definition of 來(lai):

In colloquial expressions, 來(lai)can serve as a __ for certain __, mostly in __ sentences.

EX.) 來一盤糖醋魚,一碗酸辣湯,和一碗米飯。

In colloquial expressions, 來(lai)can serve as a substitute for certain verbs, mostly in imperative sentences.


Complete the placement of 一。。。就。。。(yi jiu)in the sentence. Pick two places. (one for 一 (yi)and one for 就(jiu))

小張 A 平常 B 只 C吃青菜 D ,E 吃肉 F 不舒服 G。

小張平常只吃青菜,E 吃肉 F 不舒服。


What does 又…又… describe when placed in a sentence with two adjectives?

Either both positive or both negative in meaning.


Complete the definition usage of 再說(zai shuo):

The expression 再說(zai shuo)introduces an __ __ for an __ that has been taken or __ that has been made. 

The expression 再說(zai shuo)introduces an additional reason for an action that has been taken or decision that has been made.