Ooopp... minus 100 points.
minus 100
What animal came in first in the Chinese zodiac?
The rat/mouse
How many animals could fly?
Bonus question for additional 100 points: What animal/animals can fly?
bonus question answer: dragon
When is the Chinese new year in 2025?
January 29, 2025
What color is represented most in the new year?
What animal came in 4th in the Chinese zodiac?
The rabbit
Luck, luck, luck! Get 100 points
Get 100 points
Who conducted the great race?
The Jade Emperor
What does the color red represent?
any of these answers: good fortune, happiness, luck, prosperity
Ooopps... minus 300 points
Minus 300
How many animals did not swim across?
Bonus question for additional 300 points: Name the animals
6 animals
answers to the bonus question: rooster, goat, monkey, rabbit, mouse, cat
What animal came in 9th in the Chinese Zodiac?
The monkey
Chinese new year is also known as?
Lunar New Year
What animal came in 6th place in the Chinese zodiac?
The snake
Why didn't the dragon come in first place in the race?
Luck, luck, luck! Get 400 points
Get 400 points
The Chinese believe a good start to the year will lead to?
A lucky year
What animal got 11th place in the Chinese zodiac?
The dog
How many animals were tricked to get in the lead?
How many animals have we not seen in life?