These foods symbolize wealth
What is Dumplings! Dumplings symbolize 'wealth' due to their traditional gold/silver ingot shape.
2025 is the year of the ___
What is Snake?
It is important for your clothes to be __ and it is lucky if they are this color __.
What is new and red?
This is used to ward off evil spirits.
What are firecrackers?
The most popular decoration is this.
What are red lanterns?
The most common fruit put out on the table or altars during Chinese New Year.
What are oranges? The Chinese words for “orange” and “tangerine” closely resemble the words for “luck” and “wealth.” The gold color of these fruits also symbolizes prosperity.
If you are this zodiac you are considered strong, reliable, fair and conscientious, inspiring confidence in others
What is Ox?
Typically you hear loud drums drumming and people dancing in special costumes at this special Chinese New Year's event.
What is lion dance?
This dance is used to bring good luck and fortune.
The most important activity during Chinese New Year.
What is family reunion?
This fraction of the world's population celebrates Lunar New Year (different than CNY).
A) 1/3
B 1/6
C) 1/8
What is 1/6? Also called Chinese New Year, Tết, and Seollal.
Rice balls are eaten for this reason.
What is unity?
Glutinous rice balls tang yuan is the traditional treat eaten to celebrate the Lantern Festival -- the culminating day of the Lunar New Year . It represents harmony and togetherness because their name sounds like the word “reunion” in Chinese and its round shape symbolizes unity.
The 7th sign in the zodiac is this animal.
What is horse?
The horse is the seventh sign in the Chinese zodiac and people born in the year of the horse is a natural leader and is admired by many for his brilliant wit and honesty.
List at least two actions that are considered bad luck during CNY.
What is washing your hair the first day, sweeping, cleaning the house, eating porridge, etc.?
The CNY festival is this many days.
What is 15 days?
This family member is said to be allowed to eat the fish eyes.
What is the most honored family member?
These are eaten for longevity.
What are noodles? Longevity noodles are commonly served during Chinese New Year because they represent the wish for a long life. The noodles are never cut or broken by the cook. The whole noodle should be eaten (without cutting it) or- legend has it- you might cut your life short!
This animal crossed the finish line first in the Great Race.
What is the rat?
The rat jumped in front of the ox and came first in the race. The ox came in second and the tiger finished in third.
The Chinese word for red packets is this.
This God is sent to heaven to prepare for the New Year.
What is the Ktichen God?
This food you should avoid eating during CNY as it is thought to bring poverty.
What is porridge?
This food symbolizes prosperity.
What is fish? The word for fish, “Yu”, sounds like the word for wish and abundance, so fish is used to symbolize wishes for abundance in the New Year.
These two zodiac animals are said to be the worst when it comes to being compatible in romantic relationships with snakes.
What are Pig and Tiger?
This Dynasty invented CNY.
What is the Zhou dynasty? 1046-256 BC. Although some may say the Shang dynasty but the term Nian which is the demon scared off by the firecrackers was not a term used until the Zhou dynasty.
Name at least one of the two biggest inventions in Chinese history.
What is paper and compass?
Chinese believe that this part of the Fish represents good luck for New Year's Eve.
What are scales?
Scales because they resemble coins.