What is the first and last hand sign?
What is DO
What is the first space on the staff?
How many beats does a whole note get?
What is four
What is the song that Mr Jimmy created?
What is Living What I Believe
What does double barline mean?
What is the end of a section and begining another
What is the fifth hand sign?
What is SO
What is the last space name on the staff?
What is E
How many beats does a quarter note get?
What is 1 beat
Wjhat is he second song we have ever rehersed?
What is Child Of Mine
What does crescendo mean?
What is a gradual increase of loudness
What is the seventh hand sign?
What is TI
What is the name of the second line on the staff?
What is G
How many beats does eighth notes get?
What is 1 beat
What is the song that we have sung that has the guy made of food?
What is Akein Drum
What does fermata mean?
what is the hold
What is the second hand sign?
What is RE
What is a common saying for the lines on the staff?
How many beats does the sixtheenth note get?
What is 1/4
What song was randomly sung be Carlee and Keonie this year?
What is Stand Up
What does staccato mean?
What is to cut short
What is the fourth hand sign?
What is FA
What is a common saying for the spaces on the staff?
what is F A C E
How many beats does the dotted quarter note get?
What is 1.5
What is believe
What does the repeat sign mean?
What is back to the begining