the heart, blood vessels, and blood
what are the main parts of the circulatory system?
what carries oxygenated blood away from the heart?
blood type
the presence of absence of a specific antigen?
the formation of a clot within the blood vessel
the circulatory system is also known as
cardiovascular system?
what the two lower chambers in the heart called?
inferior vena cava
what carries the blood from the legs and trunk?
a transfer of blood from one persons blood system to another is what?
substances in the body that speed up specific reactions
the smallest blood vessels are called?
Atria (singular: atrium)
what are the two upper chambers in the heart called?
superior vena cava
what carries blood from the arms, head, and neck?
Rh positive
individuals who have Rh factor on their red blood cells are what?
hemostatic plug
stopping blood loss
which type of blood vessel typically holds about 70% of the body's blood?
the veins
tricuspid, pulmonary, bicuspid, aortic valves
what are the four major valves?
pulmonary circuit
the blood vessels of the body circulate blood between the heart and the lungs called?
ABO blood group system
what system is classifying blood type based on the presence of absence of A and B antigens on a persons red blood cells?
a protein that cannot be dissolved
____ is a term describing the process that keeps blood flowing normally through the rest of the body while clotting at the site of an injury?
the right and left sides of the heart are separated by what?
tunica adventitia, tunica media, tunica intima
the walls of veins and arteries are called?
what does your blood type determine
the type of blood you can be administered
a disorder that can cause excessive clotting
venus blood is?
Dark red