在法國,通常在見面時用什麼方式打招呼?In France, how do you usually greet someone when you meet?
A) 握手 Handshake
B) 擁抱 Hug
C) 親吻臉頰 Kissing of cheek
D) 鞠躬 Bow
C) 親吻臉頰 Kissing of cheek
福爾摩斯的作者是?Who is the author of Sherlock Homes?
亞瑟 柯南 道爾 Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle
澳門回歸的年份是?In what year did Macau return to China?
如果現在澳門是晚上七點,那麼韓國現在是幾點?If it is 7pm in Macau now, what time is it in South Korea now?
以下那位不是2樓的學生領袖?Who is not the student leader on the second floor?
A. Aymo
B. Brian
C. Chak
D. Evelyn
D. Evelyn
在日本,茶道的主要目的是什麼?What is the main purpose of the tea ceremony in Japan?
A) 享受茶的味道 Enjoy the taste of tea
B) 社交 Social
C) 表達尊敬和靜謐 Express respect and silence
D) 賺取金錢 make money
C) 表達尊敬和靜謐 Express respect and silence
哈利波特的作者是誰?Who is the author of Harry Potter?
羅琳 J.K. Rowling
以下那位是中國清朝最後一位皇帝?Who was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty of China?
A. 康熙帝Emperor Kangxi
B. 乾隆帝Emperor Qianlong
C. 宣統帝Emperor Xuantong
D. 道光帝Emperor Daoguang
C. 宣統帝Emperor Xuantong
蒙娜麗莎是誰畫的?Who painted Mona Lisa?
達芬奇 Leonardo da Vinci
2樓共有多少台洗衣機和乾衣機?How many washing machines and dryers are there on the second floor?
4 four
美國獨立日是那一天和會做什麼慶祝?When is Independence Day in the United States and what will be celebrated on that day?
A) 7月4日,放煙火 4th Jul, displaying fireworks
B) 2月18日,交換禮物 18th Feb, exchanging gifts
C) 11月24日,吃火雞 24th Nov, eating Turkey
D) 1月19日,唱歌跳舞 19th Jan, singing and dancing
A) 7月4日,放煙火 4th Jul, displaying fireworks
在傲慢與偏見中,班納特夫人對於女兒的婚姻觀念是什麼?In "Pride and Prejudice," what is Mrs. Bennet's view on her daughters' marriages?
A) 重視真愛 Values true love
B) 追求財富和地位 Pursues wealth and status
C) 反對婚姻 Opposes marriage
D) 提倡晚婚 Advocate late marriage
B) 追求財富和地位 Pursues wealth and status
以下那一位不是英國的君主?Who is not the monarch of United Kingdom?
A. 查爾斯五世Charles V
B. 愛德華七世Edward VII
C. 瑪麗二世Mary II
D. 亨利八世Henry VIII
A. 查爾斯五世Charles V
西班牙的首都是哪裏?What is the capital of Spain?
A. 里斯本 Lisbon
B. 馬德里 Madrid
C. 渥太華 Ottawa
D. 雅加達 Jakarta
B. 馬德里 Madrid
以下那個不是EAC的書院導師?Who is not the teachers of the CPED1000?
A. Sancia
B. Kathy
C. Elaine
D. Saul
B. Kathy
在英國傳統上新娘在結婚時會佩戴幾樣特定的物品,這些物品有著特殊的象徵意義。In the UK, brides traditionally wear several specific items when they get married, and these items have special symbolic meanings:
Something old, something new, something……., a sixpence in a shoe
Something borrowed, something blue
《小王子》中的小王子來自哪顆行星?Which planet does the little prince in "The Little Prince" come from?
世界四大文明不包含以下那個?Which of the four major civilizations in the world does not include the following?
A. 美索不達米亞 Mesopotamia
B. 瑪雅 Maya
C. 古埃及 ancient Egypt
D. 黃河流域 Yellow River
B. 瑪雅 Maya
哪個月有 28 天?Which month has 28 days?
12 twelve
我們的代理院長的名字是什麼?What is the name of our Interim College Master?
A 羅茜
B 姚偉彬
C 陳宇威
D 黎寧
A 羅茜
在印度丈夫死後妻子自焚的習俗叫什麼?What is the Indian custom of a wife setting herself on fire after her husband dies?
娑提 Sati/Suttee
罪與罰的作者是?Who is the author of Crime and Punishment?
費奧多爾·米哈伊洛維奇·陀斯妥耶夫斯基 Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevskiy
澳門現任行政長官是誰?Who is the current chief executive of the Macau?
2029/2/20 是星期二,那麼2032/2/20是星期幾?2029/2/20 is Tuesday, then what day of the week is 2032/2/20?
星期五 Friday
2樓RA Chloe的房間號是?The room number of the second floor RA Chloe?