In Chocolate Fever, this is the name of the main character who loves chocolate.
What is Henry Green?
Henry loves chocolate so much that he eats it for every meal. Then, he notices this strange thing happening to his skin.
What are chocolate spots or bumps?
This character is brave and determined, running away from the hospital to avoid getting treated for chocolate fever.
Who is Henry Green?
Correct this sentence:
Henry said I think I have chocolate fever.
What is: Henry said, "I think I have chocolate fever."
Identify the conjunction in this sentence:
Henry liked chocolate and ate it every day.
What is "and"?
Henry did this verb when he realized he had chocolate spots all over his skin.
What is "ran" or "screamed"?
When Henry's spots spread all over his body, his teacher sends him to this person at school.
Who is the nurse?
This character is kind and helpful, offering Henry a ride when he’s in trouble, even though Henry is a stranger.
Who is Mac?
Correct this sentence:
Mac said Lets get him to the truck.
What is: Mac said, "Let's get him to the truck."
Identify the contraction in this sentence:
The nurse said he’s been eating too much chocolate.
What is "he's"?
The author describes Henry’s chocolate bumps using this adjective that means "small and round."
What is "bumpy"?
Henry’s adventure takes a wild turn when he gets kidnapped by Lefty and Louie. The peak of the plot.
What is climax?
This character is strict and cares about the rules, sending Henry to the nurse when he shows signs of chocolate fever.
Who is Henry's teacher?
Correct this sentence:
Henry shouted I don’t want any more chocolate!
What is: Henry shouted, "I don’t want any more chocolate!"
Identify the conjunction in this sentence:
Henry was tired, but he kept running.
What is "but"?
When Henry runs away, he does it quickly. "Quickly" is an example of this part of speech.
What is an adverb?
After Henry escapes from the kidnappers, he feels relieved. The decline of the story.
What is falling action?
This character is somewhat sneaky and tricky, part of the team that kidnaps Henry.
Who is Lefty or Louie?
Correct this sentence:
The nurse asked why did you eat so much chocolate?
What is: The nurse asked, "Why did you eat so much chocolate?"
The two words that make up the contraction in this sentence:
“I don’t think I can eat any more chocolate,” Henry said.
Instead of saying "Henry had chocolate fever," you could say "He had chocolate fever." "He" is this type of word.
What is a pronoun?
In the end, Henry discovers that his love for chocolate has led him to a lesson about balancing his life. The end of a story.
What is a resolution?
This character gives Henry a vanilla pill, the cure for chocolate fever.
Who is Mr. Cane?
Correct this sentence:
Lefty whispered we can make a lot of money from this.
What is: Lefty whispered, "We can make a lot of money from this."
Identify the conjunction in this sentence:
Henry ran away, so Mac helped him get to safety.
What is "so"?