Where is reb Levik buried?
What year did Reb Levik pass away?
25th of Tishrei, 5570 (October 5, 1809)
Who was Reb Levik's wife?
Rebbetzin Chana
Where did Reb Levik Write all his pirushim
in exile
Who is the founder of Cheder?
Mr Kornhauser
Witch city was Reb Levik born in?
What year was Reb Levik born?
1878 (5638)
Who were his parents?
Reb Boruch Schneur & Rebbetzin Zelda Rochel Schneerson
How did Rev Levik procure ink to write his pirushim?
his wife would make ink out of berries for him
Who was the first student in Cheder?
Nosson Kornhauser
When is Reb levik's birthday
The 18th of nissan
What year and how old was Reb Levik when he got married?
22, 5660,(1900)
Who were his sons?
The Rebbe, Dovber, Yisroel, Aryeh Leib
What did Rev Levik write his perushim on?
Tanya, Gemora, Mishna
Name 6 staff members who used to work in Cheder and left
Mr Stott, Mr Yates, Mr WhiteHouse, Miss River, Rabbi Rahmani, Mr Damazzi, Kovi Spigelman, Mr Henry, Rabbi Guth, Rabbi Rosenfeld, Rabbi Hoch, Mr LS, Mr Rapke, Mrs Goldman, Issac Hyams, Yaacov Saffer, Katherine Anger, Mrs Raleigh.
Were did Reb levik spend most of his life?
being rabbi in Yekatrinoslav
What year was Reb Levik arrested?
Name Reb Levik's siblings
Reb Shmuel, Reb Sholom Shlomo, Rebbetzin Rada Sima
Do we have all of Reb Leviks seforim, and what was the story behind it?
No, Most were destroyed by the nazis in WWII
What year did Cheder move to 12 Chapel st?
What other special occasion happend on Reb leviks birthday?
The rebbes bris
How old was Reb Levik when he become cheif rabbi of Yekatrinoslav?
Trace the Rebbe's ancestry to the Tzemach Tzeddek, naming each relative in between in order.
levi yitzchock
boruch schnear
levi yitzchock
boruch sholom
tzemach tzedeck
What outlook did Reb Levik have on Nigleh and Chassidus?
Instead of looking at Nigleh and Chassidus individually, he looked at them with a birds eye view, showing how they are truly connected.
What year did Cheder first open?