This staff does not drive their van on Mondays
This class is about discussing issues concerning work, CHOICE, friends, family etc.
Problem Solving
This outing is once a month on Mondays. It is exercise related
Orange Theory
Independent job site. Wear a blue uniform
This staff's favorite dessert is a chocolate chip cookie
This staff is not from Minnesota
This program requires a staff to get printed pictures for it
This outing is once a month on Wednesdays. You jump around!
Jam Hops
Wednesday afternoon volunteer site. Pack food for people in need
Second Harvest
This staff has a chocolate lab
Erin P
This staff's birthday is July 5th
This program is about how to eat healthier & how we can help our bodies to stay healthy.
We go here when it is cold outside. You walk on a track
Walking Dome
Volunteer site on Thursdays. Label bags for packaging food
Feed my starving children
She is the singer in her own band
This staff likes to head bang outside of CHOICE
This program include snakes, lizards, geckos and turtles
This place has a planetarium. Also info about MN animals
Bell Museum
Volunteer site three days a week. Put away clothing and other items
Arc Village
This staff loves going to Grand Marais
Who are the A4R staff?
Nicole, Mitch, Isabelle, Anna, Kaitlyn
This program includes drinking a warm beverage and chatting with other day programs
Coffee Chat
It is inside Maplewood mall. There are strange animals there
Sustainable Safari
Volunteer on Friday mornings. Labeling and packaging food items
Food Group
This staff loves to cook!