Shakespeare's works were seen by only the elite few who could afford tickets to the theater.
True or False?
If you have two closely related complete sentences, this is the punctuation you use to join them together to make a complex sentence.
What is a ;
In the event of my demise
Hip hop
I’d meet you where the spirit meets the bones in a faith forgotten land
Every Action has an equal and opposite _______ (fill in the blank)
This is the city where the Globe theater is located
What is
This is the punctuation used to begin a series.
What is a :
I was not born under a rhyming planet.
Much ado About Nothing
In black ink my love may still shine bright.
"Sonnet 65"
Who is responsible for the consequences of your life?
You are.
The rhyme scheme for all Shakespearean sonnets
What is
Where does the colon go in this sentence?
At the tone, the time will be exactly 7 54.
between the 7 and the 5
Men would rather use their weapons than their bare hands.
Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise and left you there.
"Coney Island"
You are walking down the hall and someone spits in your face.
What is the best choice for the most positive consequence? (what did MLK do)
Keep on walking.
Shakespeare is famous for writing but he was also this.
What is
an actor
Where does the semicolon go in this sentence?
Mrs. Colvin is the most awesome teacher she gives me candy when I correctly use and point out literary devices.
Mrs. Colvin is the most awesome teacher; she gives me candy when I correctly use and point out literary devices.
The most benevolent king communicating through your dreams
Hip hop
WuTang Clan
My tongue will tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break.
Taming of the Shrew
The Emotion into Art assembly taught the acronym BIG. What did it mean?
Books, Individuals, Goals
Shakespeare had three children; two of their names inspire title characters in his plays.
What are the title characters names?
Hamlet & Juliet
Double Jeopardy:
What are his Children's names?
Punctuate this sentence properly
How do I love thee let me count the ways one onethousand two onethousand three onethousand
(There are eight notations that need to be made)
How do I love thee, let me count the ways: one, onethousand; two, onethousand; three, onethousand.
I am reckless what I do to spite the world
Past the curses and cries, beyond the terror in the nightfall.
"That is Happiness"
To be the Custodian of Knowledge one must:
Preserve, protect, and transmit knowledge giving access to anyone/everyone.