What is the hand sign for do?
What is the Italian word for the dynamic meaning medium loud?
mezzo forte
Nighttime will soon be done
Bringing the morning sun
How many counts is a dotted half note?
What are the metal bars across the neck of the ukulele called?
What is the hand sign for mi?
What is the musical term meaning short and detached?
If the sky above you should grow dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
How many sixteenth notes are in a half note?
Is String 4 closest to the ceiling or closest to the floor?
What is the hand sign for sol?
"Reading a book"
What does a cappella mean?
Without accompaniment
See you tomorrow night I will
What is the name of the "marching band" drum?
What does "ukulele" translate to?
Jumping flea
What is the hand sign for re?
Hand slanted up
What is the musical term meaning smooth and connected?
They'll take your soul if you let them
But don't you let them
What are the names of the two drums we play with a foot pedal?
Bass/Kick drum and Hi-Hat
What are the four letter name notes of the ukulele strings (from String 4 to String 1)?
G, C, E, A
Sign do, re, mi, fa, sol
Fist, slanted up, "paper," "thumbs down," "reading a book"
Name all the Italian names for dynamics, quietest to loudest.
pp, p, mp, mf, f, ff
Keep your head together and call my name out loud
Soon I will be knocking at your door
Name all the parts of the drum kit.
Snare, hi-hat, cymbals, kick/bass, toms
What finger. fret and string do you play to create a C Major chord?
Finger 3, Fret 3, String 1