Note that gets one beat
Quarter note
The higher clef
Treble Clef
The first solfege syllable
The first thing you do when entering class
Grab your Music, do your bellwork, and do not talk until you are finished with your bellwork.
Her favorite subject
Note that gets four beats
Whole note
Five lines, four spaces
The fourth solfege syllable
Where do you Breath from in Choir Class?
Your Diaphragm.
Her favorite animal
Cat or Bunny
Note that gets two beats of silence
Half rest
What is it called whenever you sing from soft to loud?
What is the three choir groups we have in class? Bonus double points if you tell me the difference between them.
Soprano - High Singers
Altos - Middle Singers
Tenors - Low Singers
How do we stand?
Shoulders are down, Feet firmly on the ground, with slightly bended knees, my back is straight, my arms are handing free, lifting up my chest.
Her first name
Note that gets half a beat
Eighth note
Space Notes on the Treble Clef
We use solfege to...
sight read
A quarter note plus a quarter note equals how many beats...
2 beats
Where she went to school
Grand Canyon University
Note that gets three beats
Dotted half note
The line notes of the treble clef
The last solfege syllable
A whole note plus a half note plus a quarter note minus a dotted half note equals how many beats?
4 Beats
How many years has she taught at Royal Palm?
5 1/2 years