What does "blend" mean in choir?
Singing so that no individual voice stands out.
What is the first solfege syllable in a major scale?
What does "piano" (p) mean in music?
To play or sing softly.
What are the lines of the treble clef?
E, G, B, D, F
What does Mrs. Tresner say when she talks about food?
Do you wAnT gARLIC chiCKen Wings.....RiGhT NOw
Why is posture important in singing?
It helps with breathing and producing a clear sound.
What solfege syllable corresponds to the fifth note of a major scale?
What does "forte" (f) mean?
To play or sing loudly.
What does a sharp (#) do to a note?
Raises the pitch by a half step.
What does Mrs. Tresner say to the choir class 80x a day?
Can you please stop talking?
What is the purpose of warming up before singing?
To prepare the voice and body for singing.
What is the term for gradually getting louder?
What is the name of the note that gets one beat in 4/4 time?
A quarter note.
What does everyone call Mrs. Tresner
Ms. Treason
What does "sight-reading" mean?
Singing or playing a piece of music for the first time without rehearsal.
If "Do" is C, what is "Fa"?
What is the term for the speed of the music?
How many beats does a dotted half note get in 4/4 time?
Three beats.
What type of mom is Mrs. Tresner?
Crunchy, NOT almond
What is the role of a conductor?
To lead the choir, set the tempo, and guide dynamics and expression.
What is the solfege for a descending major scale?
Do, Ti, La, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do.
What does "a cappella" mean?
Singing without instrumental accompaniment.
You can take me HOT TO GOOOOOOO
Who is Mrs. Tresner's favorite?