Which day is the Chongyang Festival?
September 9th of Chinese Lunar Calendar
When did the legend take place?
In the Eastern Han Dynasty
Introduce the Chongyang Festival in three sentences
重阳节,又被称为重九节,是中国传统节日之一,在每年的农历九月九日。人们在这天和家人一起登高赏秋,吃重阳糕,喝菊花酒。The Chongyang Festival, also known as Double Ninth Festival, is a traditional Chinese holiday celebrated on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month. It's a time to pay respects to the elderly, enjoy outdoor activities like mountain climbing, and appreciate the beauty of autumn.
Why do people wear 茱萸 during the Chongyang Festival?
Exorcising evil spirits and avoiding disasters
What kind of wine do people drink on the Chongyang Festival?
According to the legend, the Chongyang Festival is celebrated in memory of whom?
What is the homonym of 糕gao and what does it says about the meaning of eating 重阳糕?
“高” is a homonym to the Chinese word “糕”, which contains the meaning of “步步高升” making steady progress.
Another name for the Chongyang Festival is
What do people do on Chongyang Festival?
What was the cause of the legend?
Why is the festival called “重阳”?
九 is called “阳数”
and 重阳 means double nine
What flowers(plants) do people wear during the Chongyang Festival?
What is the traditional food for Chongyang Festival?
What religion does the origin of 重阳节 related to?
Taoism 道教
What is the homonym of nine and what is its meaning? (relating to repsecting elder people)
Nine is a homonym to the Chinese word “久”, which contains the meaning of "a long and healthy life". People express wishes for health and longevity of the elders.
What is the Double-Ninth (重阳糕)cake made of?
flour, brown sugar, fruits and nuts
Why do people climb mountains during the Chongyang Festival?
To promote physical fitness and avoid illnesses, spend time with families and pray for blessings
Apart from the legend attached to it, what is likely to be the actual origin of the festival?
Originating in the Book of Changes, the number of nine is Yang number and double nine is believed to be auspicious by the ancients. There is also a saying that before the Qin Dynasty, there was an activity of offering sacrifices to the emperor of Heaven and ancestors during the harvest in September. 起源于《易经》中的九为阳数,九月九阳数相重,被古人认为是吉祥的日子。还有种说法是先秦前有在九月丰收时祭天帝和祭祖的活动
Do you know any poems about the festival? (bonus if you can recite it)
Example :
九月九日忆山东兄弟 唐 王维
独在异乡为异客 每逢佳节倍思亲
遥知兄弟登高处 遍插茱萸少一人
茱萸 is a kind of Chinese medicine, what functions does it have?
removing toxic cold, relieving pain, and killing insects