What is courage?
In the short video of "I will be a Hummingbird" what was the message of the video and why should we always strive to be a "Hummingbird?"
To try our best no matter who we are or what we have. We can make our mark no matter what.
An apology only counts if it is what?
Give an example of an affirmation.
"I am worth." I am smart." "I am kind."
What is the Choose Love Formula?
Courage + Gratitude + Forgiveness +Compassion in Action = Choose Love
What are the three parts of the brain?
Lizard brain, Numbat brain and human brain.
Why should we have an attitude of gratitude?
helps us feel happier, more positive, and more compassionate with ourselves and others around us. Focusing on what makes us feel grateful allows us to develop better habits of expressing appreciation for the people and things that matter most in our life.
Forgiveness can help me release _____and take back my personal ____
1. anger and 2. power
What is compassion in action?
Empathy in action. Understanding how someone feels and taking action to support them.
What is gratitude?
Being thankful for what we have.
Give three examples of an extraordinary act of Courage.
1. Standing up for yourself
2. Standing up for a friend
3. Doing something new
“How did gratitude help Nelson Mandela succeed and persevere?”
To be thankful for his country and his people. Gave him motivation to persevere.
What is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
Lead the class through a compassion in action breath.
1. One hand on heart, one hand on stomach
2. Breathe in and Breath out
3. Continue breathing as I say some words
4. May I be full of compassion. May I be open to compassion.
What is the name of the "Choose Love" lady?
Scarlett Lewis
Who is a person who we talked about in this class who demonstrates courage?
Martin Luther King Jr. Nelson Madela, Scarlett Lewis.
What are four benefits of gratitude?
have positive relationships and better friendships
be more hopeful
sleep better
have more energy
live longer
What do any of the letters mean in L.O.V.E. when trying to forgive someone or say I am sorry.
L. Label your feelings
O. Observe your body
V. Voice Your Perspective
E. Evaluate your options and possibilities.
What are the three steps to show compassion in action?
Ask yourself, ‘How does the other person feel?’
Ask yourself, ‘How would I feel if the same thing happened to me?’ (walking/standing in someone else’s shoes)
Take action by doing something kind
Give an example of how you will act out Courage, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Compassion in Action.
1. stand up 2. Be thankful 3. Forgive someone 4. help someone out