A contract made between a CSM student and a university that guarantees them admission to that university.
What is a Transfer Admission Agreement (TAG)?
People who like to work with people- to inform, enlighten, help, train, develop, or cure them, or are skilled with words.
What are Social People's Characteristics?
A place located in bldg. 1 room 115 where you can go to make an appointment to meet with a counselor, learn about transfer services, and meet with the Student Success Coordinator.
What is the Counseling Support Center?
The website discussed in this class where you can learn more about majors, occupations, and access career tests.
A website where students can find out about CSU and UC college majors and the major preparation courses here at CSM that meet the required major preparation courses at a CSU or UC.
People who have innovating or intuitional abilities, and don't like to work in structured situations, they like using their imagination or creativity.
What are Artistic People's Characteristics?
A place students can go to get a learning assessment and get accomodations for classes if they qualify for services.
What is the Disability Resource Center, will take DSPS too.
The assessment test that you completed online that divides personal characteristics into 4 categories.
What is True Colors?
The Dean of Counseling.
Who is Marsha Ramezane?
The name of the community college general education pattern that is accepted at both the UC and CSU.
What is the IGETC?
People who like to work with people- influencing, persuading or performing or leading or managing for organizational goals or for economic gain.
What are Enterprising People's Characteristics?
A map of all the classes you need to take before you reach your CSM goal.
What is a Student Educational Plan.
A person you can speak with on campus to learn more about jobs, occupations or resume writing.
Who is a career counselor?
Bldg. 1 room 213
What is the location of the Career and College planning resource center.
The CSM location where you can find out more about transfer services.
What is Bldg. 1 room 115?
People who have athletic or mechanical ability prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants, or animal, or be outdoors.
What are Realistic People's Characteristics?
Three services described inside the Services for Student Success brochure.
What are Financial Aid, Counseling Support Center, DSPS (DRC), Counseling, Career Counseling, EOPS, Multicultural Center
Classes offered at CSM that you can take to learn how to write a resume, learn more about transfer, learn more about CSM policies, etc.
What are career classes?
Helpful and beneficial courses to take while you are trying to decide on a major.
What are general education classes?
The Transfer Services Coordinator
Who is Mike Mitchell?
People who llike to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, carrying things out in detail or following through on other's instructions.
What are Conventional People's Characteristics?
The degree that you can earn at a community college while you are preparing for transfer.
What is an Associate's Degree
To posess this, you are not required to take general education at CSM. After, completing this you will show that you are knowledgeable in a particular occupation.
What are vocational certificates?
The full names of your instructors who also work in Student Success and the Assessment Center.