This solfege syllable sits in between Mi and Sol
What is Fa?
This symbol lowers pitches by a half step
What is a flat?
This note gets one beat
What is a quarter note?
This song contains the word "restless"
What is Don't Go Breaking My Heart?
Four lines and five spaces are called this
What is the staff?
There are this many letters in the musical alphabet
This symbol allows us to identify Do
What is the key signature?
This note is spoken as "tu" when performed on takadimi
What is a half note?
These voice parts sing at the beginning of Homeward Bound
What are soprano and alto?
This is the letter name of the bottom line of the treble clef
What is E?
The top number in the time signature tells us this
What is how many beats are in a measure?
This rhythm is equal to two half notes
What is a whole note?
This voice part sings "You take the wait off of me"
What is baritones/tenors and basses?
This is where Mr. Martin went to college
What is The University of North Carolina at Greensboro?
This is the lowest solfege we sing during our tonicization exercise.
What is Fa?
This symbol means "medium loud" in Italian
What is mezzo piano (mp)?
This rhythm gets one beat when there is a 4 on the bottom of the time signature
What is a quarter note?
This many quarter notes are played in the beginning of Homeward Bound before you breathe to sing
What is four?
These are used to extend the staff
What are ledger lines?
Minor keys are named after this solfege syllable
What is La?
This is the name for the sign that requires you to hold a note and watch the conductor for the cut off
What is a fermata?
A "dot" does this to any rhythm
What is extends the rhythm by half the original value?
Sing the tonicization exercise
Do is this pitch when there are four flats in the key signature
What is A flat?