The steady pulse of all music.
What is beat?
A note that represents one beat of sound.
What is a quarter note?
A rest that represents one beat of silence.
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, Ti
What is solfege?
Another name for 4/4 meter.
What is common time?
A vertical line that groups notes and rest together.
The space between two barlines.
What is a measure?
A way of organizing rhythm
What is pitch?
This note receives a two (2) beats.
What is a half note?
What is 4/4 meter (time signature)?
Is a series of five horizontal lines and spaces on which notes are written.
What is a staff?
This note receives four (4) beats.
What is a whole note?
Another name for 4/4 meter.
What is common time (common meter)?
This rest receives four (4) beats.
What is a whole rest?
This note receives three (3) beat.
What is a dotted half note?
What is a staff?
The combination of long and short notes and rest.
What is rhythm?
What is an "E"?
What is key?
Is the symbol at the beginning of a staff that indicates which lines and spaces represent which notes.
What is a clef?
Is a clef that generally indicates notes that sound lower than middle C.
What is a bass clef?
Is a clef that generally indicates notes that sound higher than middle C.
What is a treble clef?
Is a staff that is created when two staves are joined together.
What is a grand staff?
Is a group of notes that are sung or played in succession and are based on a particular home tone, or keynote.
What is scale?