Sec. 1
Product made from evergreen trees to build building and make furniture.
World's deepest freshwater lake
What is Lake Baikal
The Capital of Russia is ______________.
What is Moscow
Thick haze of fog and chemicals that blankets many of Russia's cities
What is smog
Siberia has a cold ________________.
What is Climate
system of roads and railroads for transporting materials
What is infrastructure
World's largest coniferous forest
What is taiga
The seasons that are very brief is Russia are ___________________ and ________________.
What are Spring and Autumn
Chemicals and smoke particles that cause pollution into the air
What is pollutants
What sea has the warm water path?
What is Black Sea.
oil, natural gas, and coal are all
European Russia's major River
What is Volga
Cold temperatures and a lack of precipitation cause ____________.
What is permaforest.
The world's largest coniferous forest, which stretches about 4,000 miles
What is Taiga
Russia is twice as large as the _________________.
What is United States
Even though Russia is near waterways, it does not __________ from its closeness
Home to about 75% of all Russians
Northern European Plain
A major cause of water pollution in Russia is ____________________
What is chemicals in agriculture and industries
A permanently frozen layer of soil beneath the surface
What is permafrost
Why are baby seals hunted?
What is their fur
To limit the ability of something
What is inhibit
Area of Russia that contains many volcanoes
What is Kamchatka Peninsula
The ring of fire is located along the ________________ ocean
What is Pacific
Pollution causes _________ in populations along the waterways
What is decline
Nerpas can remain how long underwater without breathing?
20 min +