This surrogant comedy reunited comedians Amy Poehler and Tina Fey.
What is Baba Mama
Chris was born the beginning of March a month before his due date
What is March 7, 2024
A t-shirt-like baby garment that can be worn as a complete outfit, as a t-shirt, or as an undergarment.
What is a Onesie
This stage involves a lot of "crying", "NO", and "temper Tantrums"
What is the Terrible Two's
"Nobody puts baby in a corner"
What is Dirty Dancing
Ted Danson, Tom Selleck, and Steve Guttenburg were all fathers to the same child in this 1980's comedy.
What is Three Men and a Baby
All babies need middle names... and Chris sure has one
What is Jamal
Due to allergies, the age when most toddlers can have scrambled eggs.
What is 6 months
"I have nipples, Greg, can you milk me?"
What is Meet the Parents
"A funny movie about a single woman who has a baby. From before being born to about 1 year old we hear what little Mikey is thinking."
What is Look who's talking
This is something that Chris likes to do when you hold him.
What is lean back
A black inventor who created the super soaker in 1986
Who is Lonnie Johnson
A common age when parents begin potty training girls
What is a year and a half
Rule number two: You will not bother me while I'm working. Rule number three: You will not cry, or whine, or laugh, or giggle, or sneeze or barf or fart! So no, no, no annoying sounds. All right?
What is Despicable me
"If you've seen the first movie this one is similar only in this movie Wayne accidently blows up the baby to be about 112 feet tall
What is Honey I blew up the Kid
Birth times are sometimes hard to remember so an approximate morning, afternoon, or evening will be satisfactory for the time of Chris arrival
What is evening
In a popular Old Wives Tale, if a mother is carrying low she’s having what gender child.
What is a boy
The age most toddler’s soft spot closes
What is 14 months
Yvette: “making tacos”
What is Baby boy
In this holiday classic the McCallisters leave their son home.
What is Home Alone
The first famous word that every parent wants to hear
What is Mama
These months cover the infant stage
What is 0-9 months
The age when most toddlers start eating baby foods
What is 6 months old
“Cookies are for closers”
What is Boss Baby