who was the boy in rebound name
what year's dose the book rebound take place in
summer 1988
what was Charlie and his dad favorite sport
name one setting in each book
basketball court, school home
track, church
did his dad make it pro
yes but not the NBA
what was charlie's dad name
charlie bell sr
what college team did charlies dad play for
michigan state
did his dad make it to the NBA
No he did not
why was Charlie sad
because his dad died
how did his dad die
heart attack
who was in the hospital in the book patina
Her mom
when patina was running did she pass the other person or lose
she loss to the other person
did the girl in the book patina when the race the first or second time
2 time
how old was charlie
12 year's old
what happen when her mom had dietbetes
leg cut off
who is the main character in the book patain
patain , lu ghost
who passed away in the book rebound
his dad
what did she do after she won
went to the hospital
how old is the girl
what was the author's name in the book rebiund
kwame alezander
what did they call his dad in basketball
"Da man"
who was Charlie favorite basketball player
his dad
what did she say to ghost
there's a new boy
what was the main theme
who was the author in the book patina
jason reynolds