Idioms 😎
Gerund or Infinitive 😲
Fill in the Blank 😶
Random 🤔
Phrasal Verbs 😀

If someone is easy on the eyes, they _____.

A) are funny looking  B) appear different than they really are  C) have poor eyesight  D) are attractive

D) are attractive


Paul gave up ____ three years ago. (smoke)

A) to smoke   B) smoking  C) for smoking

B) smoking


 Could you turn the central heating up a little more please. I can ___________ notice any difference in the temperature from an hour ago.

A) rather    B) hard    C) just.     D) barely

D) barely


Somebody ____ waiting at the door for you. 

A) is  B) are

A) is


You can _______ words in a dictionary.

A) look after  B) look up  C) look up to

B) look up


If you're told to "get it off your chest," what should you do?

A) workout and build muscle B) change shirts C) take a shower D) talk about your problems

D) talk about your problems


It was very kind of you __________________ me. (help)               

A) to help  B) helping  C) for helping                      



A) to help


There's a(n) ________ range of issues that we need to discuss as soon as possible.
A) far  B) ample  C) wide  D) high

C) wide


On our way to Orlando, we had to stop at a gas station because of a _________.

A) dead tire  B) soft tire  C) flat tire  D) fat tire

C) flat tire


Oh no! The building's lift has _______ again!

A). broken down  B) broken in  C) broken into

A) broken down


Your boss tells you to come to work at the "crack of dawn". What times should you plan to show up?

A) 5:30 am  B) 9:00 am C) 3:00 pm  D) 7:30 pm

A) 5:30 am


Brenda really hates __________________. (study)

A) to study  B) studying  C) for studying

B) studying


He had a big house by the beach, _____?

A) had he not  B) didn't he  C) hadn't he  D) wouldn't he

B) didn't he


Use the phrasal verb "fed up" in a sentence correctly.

The phrasal verb "fed up" means to be tired of something and won't put up with it anymore. 

Example: I was fed up with his behavior by the end of the day.


Our babysitter's really good at _______ our kids.

 A) looking after  B) looking into  C) looking for

A) looking after


You should dot your i's and cross your t's so that there _____.

A) will be a few mistakes  B) will be lots of mistakes  C) shouldn't be any mistakes  D) are other people to blame

C) shouldn't be any mistakes


How long does it take you __________________ to the university? (walk)    

A) to walk  B) walking  C) for walking

A) to walk


We found a wonderful house just on the ___________ of town. It's so much cheaper than living in the center.

A) border  B) confines  C) edge  D) side

C) edge


The government ___ criticised by the Supreme Court for their actions.

A) was  B) were

A) was


It's really a small problem - you shouldn't make it ___________ to be worse than it is.

A) out  B) over  C) up

A) out


When you're riding on a pink cloud, you _______.

A) are sick with stomach flu  B) can't be believed  C) are guilty of the crime  D) feel good for a short time

D) feel good for a short time


He forced us __________________ (accept) his offer by __________________ (raise) it by 5 %.

A) to accept, raising  B) accepting, to raise  C) to accept, raising

A) to accept, raising


"Where is my bank book?" "If you ____ in the drawer, you'll find it."

A) had looked  B) looked  C) look  D) were looking

C) look


The recent rise in drug addiction ____ young people has been given publicity in the media ____ all proportion to the size of the problem.

A) with / through

B) for / over

C) in / above

D) among / out of

E) between / from

D) among / out of


As the company's client base grew at an unexpected rate, management was forced to ________ some work until they could hire new staff.

A) dish out  B) out farm C) out man D) out source

D) out source