Career Theory
Culturally Competent Career Counseling
Career Counseling in Schools
Holland's Theory of Types utilizes the constructs of congruence, consistency, and this degree of distinctness among types to link people and their environments
What is Differentiation?
The tenets of many career development interventions, which include individualism, affluence, and structure of opportunity for all, are reflected from this group's perspective
Who are European Americans?
This type of assessment is characterized by scientific rigor, and contains validity and reliability
What is a formal assessment?
Providing interventions that foster a sense of curiosity is crucial for students at this level
What is elementary school
Be sure to tell your friends; this theory identifies four factors (Genetic endowment, environmental conditions and events, instrumental and associative learning experiences, and task-approach skills) that influence our career decision making.
What is the social learning theory of career decision making?
Don't feel pressure to pick a side; perspectives from both an etic, or universal, approach and this culturally specific approach can both be incorporated into career development
What is emic?
An instrument with right and wrong answers is referred to as a test, but one that measures content areas with no right or wrong goes by this name
What is an inventory?
Middle schoolers can engage in this charting process to track their academic and career decision making
What is a portfolio?
The cognitive information processing approach is made up of the pyramid of information processing, the executive processing domain, and this acronymic cycle of skills that includes communication and execution
What is CASVE?
Understanding this process of adopting cultural traits or social patterns of another group can help a counselor avoid making stereotypical assumptions about a client
What is acculturation?
Test or inventory reports that are related only to the individual for whom the report was prepared are known by this name
What is idiosyncratic?
This phrase used to mean getting high schoolers trained for specific jobs, but has now evolved to incorporate attitude, motivation, dependency, and teamwork
What is workforce readiness?
This theory, which incorporates the client's mind, body, and spirit, uses four broad assumptions to identify six career development tasks, one of which is "finding work that needs doing in changing global contexts"
What is integrative life planning?
The identity model for this group consists of confusion, comparison, tolerance, acceptance, pride, and synthesis
What is LGBTQ
The US department of labor has set up this website, giving counselors access to instruments such as the ability profiler and work importance profiler
What is O*Net?
Mentorship, small group solution-focused counseling sessions, psychoeducational career lessons, and implementation of solution-focused skills in the classroom can all benefit this type of identified student
Who is an at-risk student?
This theory focuses on patterns, rather than variables that lead to outcomes, in career development, and embraces non-linearity in career development
What is the chaos theory of careers?
Little attention is paid to the literature pertaining to this group, who lag behind other groups in virtually every indicator of economic activity despite the membership of 1 in every 5 Americans
Who are the disabled?
This type of test, where questions become more difficult after correct answers are given, can result in a shorter testing time and deliver immediate scoring and feedback
What is an adaptive test?
When influence by this group is planned, intentional, and goal-oriented, it becomes effective at positively affecting a child's career development
Who are parents?