Jonah was born on...
(month day & year)
July 25th, 2017
Where does Jorge work.
Total Mortgage
(Pick One Person From Each Team To Represent You)
100 Points For Any Nicknames of Santa You Can Name
Pick One Person From Your Team To Answer This.
100 Points For Each Island You Can Name.
(month day & year)
March 10th, 1940
Jonah Haircut is called a...
High (Bald) Fade
What is Jorge's Favorite Color
(Pick One Person From Each Team To Represent You)
This Christmas Movie Series stars actor, Macaulay Culkin.
Home Alone
Nana is from Figueira Pavao... what is a Pavao called in English
Nana and Papa got married on...
(month, day & year)
July 31, 1970
"I Destroyed New York Cause Of A _____"
(Pick One Person From Each Team To Represent You)
What animated 2004 film is about a train that carries kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve
Polar Express
This Jheri Curled Man Was The Host Of "CaboVideo"
According to Nana, Papa worked at...
The Shipyard
"Who's Car was Jonah's "ferrari" in the Music Video
Jorge's Mom Has 1 Sister, her name is...
(Pick One Person From Each Team To Represent You)
In “A Christmas Story,” what happens to Ralphie’s friend as a result of a “triple-dog dare” from another classmate
His tongue stuck to a flagpole
Cape Verdean Became Independent in...
What is Papa's Siblings LEGAL Names
(400 points per sibling)
Maria Eugenia Goncalves
Eurico Danilo Cristiano Fontes
Jonah Doesn't Play With Nerf Guns Because Nerf Guns Are...
For Little Kids
What Hospital Was Jorge Born At.
St. Margarets
(Pick One Person From Each Team To Represent You)
What’s the name of the family featured in National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
The Griswolds
Nana's Ringtone is from what Cape Verdean TV show.
Where in Cape Verde was Papa born...
Sao Filipe