Jesus was born in this city.
What is Bethlehem?
Jesus grew up in this city.
What is Nazareth?
Jesus was the son of ____
He was thrown in the lions den
The number of days Jesus stayed in the tomb.
What is 3?
This is the reason Jesus died on the cross.
What is to save us from our sins / our salvation?
Fill in the blank
We use Palms for Palm _________!
Arcangel _______ appeared to Mary.
Arcangel Gabriel
He built an Ark.
Who is Noah?
This person was the first to find Jesus' tomb empty.
Who is Mary?
Jesus rode into Jerusalem on this.
What is a donkey or colt of a donkey?
Jesus had __ apostles.
_______ is Jesus' cousin.
Who is John the Baptist?
He wrote most of the psalms?
Who is King David?
He was a tax collector.
Who is Stt Matthew?
Soldiers gave Jesus this to drink when he was thirsty on the cross.
What is Vinegar?
_____ betrayed Jesus
Jesus was found here at the age of 12.
Where was teaching in the temple?
He became blind when encountered Jesus.
Who is St. Paul?
Jesus sent out how many disciples or missionaries.
What is 70 (or 72)?
This was Jesus's first miracle.
What is turning water into wine / Cana of Galilee?
Jesus died on the cross in this place.
What is the hill of Golgotha / outside Jerusalem
James and Judes relation to Jesus.
What is they are His half brothers?
He speaks through the prophets and the apostles
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What was Jesus' last name
They didn't have last names at that time.