Books of the Bible
Men Bible Characters
Women Bible Characters
Bible Numbers
Places in the Bible
I am the first book of the bible. My stories include the stories of creation, Noah and the Ark, and Abraham
What is Genesis
I was blinded by light on the road to Damascus. I had a name change.
Who is Saul or Paul
I loved my mother-in-law so much that I left my country and went to another land with her.
Who is Ruth
Jonah spent this many days inside of a great fish
What is Three
This place is where Joseph was taken after his brothers sold him into slavery. I also am the place where Pharaoh told Moses he would not let Moses' people go
What is Egypt
I am the last book of the Bible. My stories are hard to understand. I am mainly a book of the end times.
What is Revelation
I was dedicated to God before his birth and then I grew up in the temple with Eli the priest.
Who is Samuel
I was the brave and beautiful lady who became queen and saved my people from death.
Who is Esther
This is the number of how many days Joshua and the Israelites marched around Jericho until the walls fell down
What is seven
The town where Jesus was born
What is Bethlehem
I am the largest book of the bible. My chapters are known as Songs or Poems.
What is Psalms
I was thrown into a den of lions
Who is Daniel
I was barren. I prayed to God and asked for a child. God answered my prayer for a child so I dedicated my newborn's life to God's work
Who is Hannah
Lazarus was dead for this many days before Jesus arrived in Bethany and brought him back from the dead.
What is Four
The place where the ten commandments were presented to Moses from God
What is Mount Sinai
I am a book of the Bible on wisdom. I have 31 chapters, one for each day of the month.
What is Proverbs
I wore clothes made of camel's hair and ate locusts and wild honey. I prepared the way for Jesus.
Who is John the Baptist
My husband is Abraham. We both prayed for children. When we were very old, we were told that we would bear a son. I laughed at God because I thought I was too old. But low and behold I gave birth to a son named Isaac
Who is Sarah
Goliath was over this many feet tall
What is nine
The place where Joshua and his people walked around a building, blew trumpets and the walls came tumbling down
What is Jericho
I am one of the gospels. I have the most famous passage used at Christmas time. It is chapter 2 in my book
What is Luke
I owned seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred donkeys. There is a book of the Bible named after me. I was tested by having many things taken away from me.
Who is Job
I was the first woman on earth. I was tempted by Satan and I ate the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. My husband and I were banned from the Garden of Eden.
Who is Eve
Josiah was this many years old when he became King of Judah
What is eight
This is the town where Joseph lived in when the angel Gabriel visited him to tell him that his fiancé was pregnant with the Son of God.
What is Nazareth